Monday, March 2, 2009

New Bed....

There's my new bed! I said I would post a picture when I got it finally. My dad went to Raleigh to get it.

Of course today was Fit Ball class and it was at 4:00 and not 4:30! UGH! Got the times mixed up and we got there at like 4:15 or so. Oh well! I am down to go next week because I will be loss come the following week. I am alternating this and pilates for March. Oh well its $15 to just drop-in. So tomorrow is dance fitness, that is if I can walk tomorrow! LOL

So between 3 and 4 we were moving matresses around and taking apart beds and such. My parents new mattress weighed like 200 lb or something. It was a pain to lift that sucker!

So I got home to see my bed all made up and ready. The room looks so different than it did before. :) Incase you are wondering, its Ty Pennington's Style at Sears. I love the colors. :) I will be excited to sleep in it tonight. Won't help my legs though....

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