Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rainbows at the of the day...

I snapped this picture after the latest round of rain/storms came through. The sunset, isn't it beautiful?

So today was full of thunderstorms and rain all day long. So I didn't have class tonight, so I spent the majority of the day catching up on TV shows that have filled up my DVR. Well basically one show in particular, 24. I am glad to say I am finally caught up with it the first time this season! :o) Well for now I am. But I have really liked this season and I like this Agent Renee Walker. Its ironic, the actress that plays her has the same birthday as I do and its funny you can see the stubburness of her being an Aries coming out in her character. At the beginning of the season I kept wondering when she was going to die off, but now I really like her.

So other than the on/off storms of the day, nothing happened really around here. I am still waiting to hear back from Deborah about if she wants to do dinner tomorrow night. It doesn't help I can't drive still, which is a pain in the butt. :o( Tomorrow Sharon and I are planning to pop into ball class in the morning unless they call and tell me otherwise, lol I don't think it will be a problem...I'm not sure, then its Pilates at 4:30 and then dinner after that, if it happens.

So thats it...I'm off here.

1 comment:

Marci said...

Oh that pic is so pretty... maybe after the rain ends up my way... I'll see a rainbow!