Thursday, May 29, 2008

For Marci....

Marci, just so you know, you haven't done anything wrong lately. You have been stressed about a number of things and you will kick butt at Ironman next month! I will be cheering you on from my computer and watching you finish that race. There is nothing to be sorry about. I know its been hard for you lately, but things seem to be turning around for you. Keep your chin up. :o)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I need to live in a bubble!

Don't even bother to ask how this happened! Well the second thing, don't ask about it.

Some one needs to tell our town paper the correct pool hours for one thing. They are open until 9:00 during the week right now and not 7:00! Ok whatever there, so I stayed until like 8:30 or so.

First off I have all my tricks back minus the dreadful back flip! I hate that thing with so much passion! I either have the stupid thing or I completely mess it up and fall flat on my back or whatever hits first. Everyone is like u can do a back dive you can do a flip and its like not-uh! Not always true! You hit that water wrong, it hurts like a crazy yeah!

So one of the lifeguard's b/f's can do a flip with more than a 1/2 twist and its like how the heck do you do that? So I tried it and holy cow I can do more than 1/2 twist, but I landed on my leg and smacked it so hard, oh my GOD it hurt. Its like smacking your arm on water and then some...ya know what I mean?

Here's why I need a bubble...I managed to hit my head on the diving board tonight. Yeah, what else is new, I was going to go this summer w/o something happening, yeah right! That has gone out the window already. Talk about a pain in the head. Nice bump, scrape to go with everything else. I am not going into full detail about it, hah! Lets just say, I am not doing that again! ;)

Anyways I am off here. Night!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!

This little guy was in the garden. He scared the living heck out of me, but he was too cute not to snap a picture of.

Anyways, just wanted to post that. I swam yesterday and today....what fun. :o) I wanted to wish the veteran's a happy memorial day. :)

Friday, May 23, 2008


Marci- there's the flowers I planted. :) They look a little more lively now, but there ya go. :o)

Memorial Day weekend is here. :) Thank goodness for summer and having something to do after working. ;) hah Except tomorrow its suppose to be only 71, I say I will be staying home and waiting for my grandma and dad to get back. Yay for her coming for a visit. Hopefully she will be leaving healthy this time unlike the last few times she has been here.

Ugh watching a thing on OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) on Oprah gave what everyone procieves it to be. Where people who have it are all like the people she had on her show. And its not! I was diagnosed with that and ADHD when I was 9 years old and when people hear you have OCD, they look at you like you are nuts and assume that you wash your hands at every waking moment. Thats the extreme that some people (not all) go with having this problem. If you let it get to your head, it will control your life. Everyone has OCD in them, just others have it to where it can control their life or where they need some help with it. I am on medication still for it, but I don't always take it and I don't feel any different. People have got to stop seeing it as a one way diease, because its not. The people on Oprah were the extreme. I am not afraid to touch dirt, touch a tiolet, touch weird looking food or eat it, etc. Ugh!

Well anyways, I am off here. That was my sort of vent for the day. I am looking for a movie to watch tonight, any suggestions? ;)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A new champion was crowned tonight!

A double rainbow! How cool in that?

Holy cow! The Dancing with the Stars cup will be coming to North Carolina, no matter how long Kristi and Bret decide to stay here. (they are thinking of moving to CA) Kristi was awesome the last 2 nights and deserved this win! First woman since the first season to win the championship. HOW AWESOME WAS THAT?!

Well there's my post. :o) I am on cloud nine about Kristi and Mark's win. :D

Monday, May 19, 2008

Very Interesting Segment on GMA Today...

Ok, not like I want to post my life story online, but this is an exception.

When I was a kid (2-4 years old) I was speech delayed and they thought I had Autism, but it was more of like the features of it. So therapy began at 3 years old. The other part was I had migranial type headaches that would come on at any point in any day for 2 years and I suffered a grand-mal seizure when I was 4 years old which seemed to end it all for me, thankfully.

On GMA this morning they interviewed 2 families who had children that were diagnosed with Austism. They were both speech-delayed and also I guess instead of the headaches like I had, it was they would stare off into space. All seizures are different, I call these kind silent seizures. So their neurologist did a CT Scan and found that they were having seizure activity and put them on anti-seizure medication and it ended. (One was 2 or 3 and one was 7) It wasn't Autism, but whatever this disorder is called. (they didn't have a name for it, but I would love to know if it does)

My mom brought it to my attention and she agreed that it was identical to what I went through. Its like I finally have an explanation for it, and if I was a kid today, they would've been able to probably had stop the grand-mal. I say if you know a child with Autism or your own child has it, have your doctor run a CT scan to rule this out.

Anyways there's my post! GO KRISTI! VOTE FOR KRISTI FOR CHAMPION OF DANCING WITH THE STARS! :) I will post about that tomorrow or Wednesday. ;)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Julie, Marci & Colin!

Just wanted to post and wish 3 very special people a very happy birthday today!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Summer is fast approaching! :o)

Twice now, since BJ passed away, we have found poop in our driveway! Its a joke we have going on saying that he's been here because we have found it twice, and his trip here last summer he pooped on the driveway. We had joked that if poop wound up on the driveway, we would know he was here. Well that poop has appeared twice now!

Well Happy Birthday to Marci, Julie and Colin whose birthday is coming up on the 18th. :) I know Marci's present is being enjoyed at the moment. ;) HAH! Colin is turning the big 2 and I can't believe he's going to be 2 already. Where has the time gone?!

Summer is trust around the corner. The pool opens next weekend, which will be nice to have there when I want to go swim after work. hehe Trust me that will be probably everyday for a few hours. ;) Great exercise, can't complain. I am counting down the days (in a way) until I go to Ohio for a week or possibly 2. My great-aunt is all excited about it and I promised her I would stay at her house. I am just looking forward to going to Kings Island and possibly Cedar Point while I am there. I really don't care which one it is, because I haven't been to either in forever! Plus hanging out with friends and family up there will be fun times too. :)

There has been so much drama lately. My grandma (mom's mom) has been hospitalized since Friday after passing out after getting home from a doctor's appointment. Now they are talking about putting a pace maker in, and she was all excited about getting out of there today at some point. They ran a scan to see if she had a seizure, and she was like I didn't have a seizure. Our family has a history of them (2 others plus me) and you can have a silent seizure where you don't shake all over and such. :shakes head: I don't get doctor's today.

Anyone watching Dancing with the Stars?! OH MY! GO KRISTI! :o) hehehe I tell you what, we are going to have our 2nd woman winning this season. My parents are like you can tell its down to the voting because of Marissa still being in there. I would NOT mind if it comes down between her and Kristi at the end, hoping a girl will win it. I have said from the start that Kristi would go all of the way, because ballroom dancing is like dancing on ice skates. But I say its going to be down to Kristi and Jason, but Christian could be in there too. Find out more about next week tonight. :o)

This week is finale week for I think the 2 shows I still am watching. I can't wait to see what happens with Ghost Whisperer this week after Melinda's dad (or the guy claiming that) killed himself. Which was shocking. I think Gabriel has something to do with that whole story. Gabriel the evil side of good, HAH! I think possibly something is going to happen to Melinda again, but we shall see.

Anyways, there's my post. Have a good week!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Where has the time gone?!

Ok I read something in the paper about the upcoming Olympic games and it made me think back to 4 years ago....well 8 depending how you may see this....

In the fall of 2000, I watched a good friend of mine compete at ITC in gymnastics and stumbled upon the new talent while watching it. A gymnast by the name of Terin Humphrey, who would go on to become a World Champion and 2-time Olympic Silver Medallist, was this tiny 14 year old girl who was amazing to watch.

I wrote the girls that were on that team a letter and heard back from each of them. (It included Marie Fjordholm, Terin Humphrey and Hollie Vise) It was Terin's letter that caught my attention the most and it was a letter that was to say write back. I wrote her back and it began a 4 year pen-pal friendship.

In 2003, Terin was named alternate for the World's team; and all though she was first alternate, she got bumped down to 2nd and my family and I had flown out to watch the competition, and got out there and learned that Terin was put on the team after Annia Hatch tore her ACL. I was ecstatic and didn't care what she competed on, but she competed her floor routine in finals and helped the US squad win its first ever World title.

The next thing around the corner was the Olympic games in Athens. Deep down I knew that Terin had a chance, but we had some of the greatest gymnast's going into Nationals and Trials and it was like one mistake could decide whether or not you go. Terin, I still remember, out of the competitions she competed in, she had one fall that I recalled and she was selected to go on to the camp.

The week of camp was so long. The announcement day couldn't have gotten here soon enough. I knew who the deadlocks were; Courtney Kupets & McCool and Carly Patterson. I was on the phone with my friend Amanda, and while Marta Karolyi was going on about Carly, the thought crossed my mind of Terin was going to be called next or she wasn't going to be called at all. I don't know why that came to mind, but before I could say it her name was called. It was instant tears and crying, I was so happy. I had told my mom before she left for England that if she got an e-mail from me that day it meant good news and if not that it was bad. HAH! It was a good news one! Terin went on to win 2 silver medals (team and uneven bars) at the Olympics.

Its hard to believe all of this has happened over the almost 8 years and its something I have never forgotten. I thought I post this before I forgot about it! ;)

Had to share

My friend had her baby at 24 weeks in January, and finally Grace has made it home! Take a look at these now and then pictures.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

What a day!

Look at Miss Sadie ready to get out of the car after being in it all day. I was trying to snap a picture of her face and finally got one after like 5o tries! ;)

Ok for the past 3 years I have been glued to the TV on Friday nights watching Ghost Whisperer and I am so happy it will be back next year and that it came back this spring after the writer's strike ended. The episodes this year weren't all that directive as to where the show was going, but it never is in the middle of the season. So after Andrea died after the plane crash, two new characters have been on there since. One of them being a guy named Professor Payne (TRUST ME HE IS A PAIN) and last night his wife finally past over! It was hilarious though, he got into a "fight" with her and she dropped a baby grand piano on him and its like he finally shut up! ;) But Melinda and Jim are FINALLY going to start trying to have a baby! YAY! :) But next week's episode is what gets me, its about her dad who she thought all of this time to be dead and apparently he's not. The previews looked awesome for this episode and it looks like after this one there is only one left for the season, but it looks like the finale is going to be great one!

So today my parents, dog and I headed to Pineville (Charlotte) to meet my aunt and grandma for lunch and did some shopping. This was planned the day after my birthday, but after everything that went on that week and my aunt and uncle deciding to put BJ to sleep, we just had to find another weekend to try for it. So we had lunch at Captain D's and it tasted really good. We don't have a fish place here and it was something you inhale when you really want something different. And then we went to the mall and my mother finally replaced my gold chain that she broke months and months ago. I got Marci's build a bear (one that needs clothes) an outfit for her birthday, got Colin something for his birthday, got birthday cards, got the panda webkinz (this Hallmark had a HUGE selection) a like neat manicure kit for me. But it was seeing Wii's after 3 different stores that made me wish that these 30 days were up! Wal-mart has bundles, which we learned about today, and its like we have the time they get them in and such. ;) HAH! Can't wait for the 29th to be here!

Ugh still no confirmation about when my Ohio trip will be. My brother still hasn't come up with the damn dates for that and I don't want to go when its dead hot up there.

Well anyways, thats my post for the day. Have a good Sunday!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Ok the post but don't look at the picture. ;)

Ok I have a deal going with my parents that if I can keep this agreement we have for the next 30 days (well May 28th is the final day) I will finally get my Nintendo Wii! :o) Well I thought I found the perfect site with the right prices on it, they asked for 199.99 for the game console alone and had other offers. Only to come to find out they want you to send a money gram to them! Not happening! They are located in Canada, and I guess that's why they have them and they are so cheap. They want more money for it than they are really asking for.

So at the moment I am saving money for that and for other stuff. Big problem with this being May, I know 3 people close to me that have birthdays that I get something for them. (my dad, my nephew Colin and Marci) Hell I don't know what to do! I finally got around to sending Colin's gift card from Christmas just a few weeks ago and I am going to talk to Amanda and ask if he needs anything and go from there. I mean, money is tight as hell with me at the moment. I have stuff coming up this summer and I have to put money back for that and for anything I want to get for the Wii. Well Marci is getting a visit from the little build a bear she made me for Christmas 3 years ago. She was my first bear from there and she has wondered when she would come back for a visit. Well it's finally that time! ;) Luckily the bear is small and can fit in a regular mailing box. ;)

With everything coming up during the summer, sounds like it will be fun-filled yet busy. It will be nice to have the pool open to go take a dip when you want to at the end of the month. ;) HAH! I love having a pool close by. I can't wait to go to Ohio and go to Cedar Point and possibly Kings Island and spend a good week with my brother and niece, hang out with my friends and see my family that's all up there. :o)

Oh to earn some $$ around here, my dad asked me to go out in the garden beds and pick all of the leaves out of the bushes and such. Yeah, ok sure! Hell, not when you are allergic to everything in there and you have rashes all up and down your arms from getting in there. UGH! My left arm was red from my hand all the way up to above my elbow! UGH! I will do it, but will be wearing long sleeves while doing it.

Anyways, I am off here. TTYL!