Saturday, September 13, 2008

Finally posting an update!

There is one of the many pictures I captured of KoKo! We finally went and saw him last weekend! Isn't he cute? He tore into that bag trying to get his presents out of there. Sadie tried to help! ;)

The summer came and went so-so fast! I got a final few days in at the North side pool, and met Karen and Kate over there. :) I finally did something other than a front dive off their high dive...haha! Well thats because they cut the high dive it wasn't as high! :) But yeah nothing really happened over there, minus me getting tangled up in the lifeguard buoy thingy. UGH! Ok I am sorry, when something is around my neck, I start freaking out and its exactly what happened! I tried to get off of me and was bobbing up and down like crazy, wound up in the deep end at the end too, but don't worry I got some help. ;) HAHAHA!

So last weekend we had Tropical Storm Hanna and then Saturday we went to see KoKo! :) Let me just say, he is the cutest cocker puppy! :) He's very very cute! Very indoorsy, doesn't like the heat and outside. (complete 360 of Sadie) Him and Sadie got along great! She took as much as she could before she started growling, but he backed off and started back at each other again. But it was very cute, they got along great! It was the best hour of my life seeing him and getting to see the new love of my aunt and uncle's. :)

So thats been basically it other than the weather being crappy during the week, its been HOT today and suppose to be HOT tomorrow! I am thinking about going to the lake to go swimming, hehehe. :)

Anyways I am off here...

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