Monday, October 12, 2009

Feeling Better....

Guess who I'm going to go visit tomorrow???!!!

Ok, well guess what? I am feeling much-much better from a week ago. What a difference a week makes. After going back to the doctor on Friday and getting the new medicine, I started to feel better on Saturday. The worse part of it was not doing anything still. I did manage to not nap on Saturday and slept ok that night. Friday and Saturday nights I had a coughing fit that woke me up at 6:30 or so. That was the only annoying thing! hahaha

So I had to get my room cleaned up for my dad's friends that are coming in to play golf. So guess what? I am getting to boot and have to stay elsewhere. Well I am going to Charlotte to spend the time there at my aunt and uncle's house through Sunday at the latest. Its fine with me, because I will get to see my brother Ko-Ko and spend time with my grandparents too. =)

So I got the downstairs cleaned up. I will "help" upstairs until I leave, but my dad will be left to clean the rest. LOL Will be interesting how clean the upstairs will be when his friends get here, because I usually do the cleaning when my mom is gone. ;)

So guess what I found under my bed? My Nintendo DS! I thought I threw that sucker out or something. But cleaning under my bed brought me to that. I'm so happy its found. I love playing games on there when I'm not at home. I tested out the new Wii Fit Plus Sunday and today. I like it, the games are so different, but they are fun! I will get into it more when I get home and 100% better.

So thats it! I will post next time from Charlotte. Woohoo for me! Did I mention I hate fall weather???!!!

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