Isn't he the cutest thing you ever saw? That's who I am calling Milklyway! :o)
Ok this weekend, out of the blue, my dad goes oh by the way we are going to Ohio on June 18th instead of the 20th. I am sitting here like, when were you going to tell me this, like the 17th?! UGH! Oh well its 2 days more up there, but still its getting up at 4:00am to get in a car for 9 hours and then be dead tired the entire rest of the day. I hope my friend is off that day or something so we can hang out and do stuff. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!! The only good part is going to Kings Island and Cedar Point. I told one of our lifeguard's at the pool last week that I was going to Cedar Point, and she was like oh you have to go on this ride (Top Thrill Dragster) and I am sitting here like is that the one 430ft off the ground?! Yeah right am I going on that! LOL I probably will go on it, but still ugh I dunno about that one. Gaia is going to have so much fun at both parks! :o) I can't wait until she's tall enough to go on everything at every amusement park.
So this weekend I was at the pool swimming for the most part. Minus today it was storming at like 5:00 and so yeah they closed early, but that was the first time this summer I have been down there and a storm came up! HAH! :) Oh well.
Anyways I am off here. Marci I am glad you got to go to your grandma's grave unveiling and it sounds like you and Julie did something special. ;) TTYL!
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