Isn't he cute?! That's Brennan, my nephew that was born in February. I finally got some updated pictures of him and Colin from my friend Amanda. I had to share that one, he's so darn cute!
Can I say, one word of advice, well maybe not a big word of it, but hah never do dead man's float when a lifeguard is on duty! HAH! (I'm sure she doesn't think its funny) But I was seeing how long I could hold my breath and it turned into dead man's no matter how I really did it, LOL. I did it before this incident, and my friend knew what I was doing after I had done it and she freaked first. Well it was just her and I in the diving end and I was doing that same thing again. Well, it didn't go off as planned. LOL I heard the lifeguard say my name and then the next thing I heard was a splash and some one poking me and knocking me over onto my back. It wasn't the lifeguard, but my friend doing that! I was like woah what the heck?! Well lets just say, I'm never doing that again! HAH! OOPS! That is the short version of that whole story, I won't go into full detail! hehe
Well thats about it. We're going tomorrow to Gastonia to go to breakfast with the family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousin), but I am not sure I am going to go at the moment. I don't think its worth the day trip to go just for that, but we shall see.
I leave Wednesday for Ohio! Oh my gosh! I found my keychain pictures from the last time I went to Cedar Point, it makes me want to go there so badly! :( I dunno if we are, we are going for sure to Kings Island and the Water Park in Columbus. I can't wait to go to one of those places, hah! We shall see there!
Anyways, I am off here. Night! Happy Father's Day!
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