Monday, June 23, 2008

Off to Kings Island!

I just wanted to come on here and congratulate Marci on becoming an IRONWOMAN! YAHOO! Congrats girl! Sorry I didn't talk to you really today...glad you finished! :o)

Also congrats Shawn and Nastia on securing your spots on the Olympic team last night. Gaia thinks Shawn and my friend Terin are pretty gymnast's! LOL Don't ask! No Terin wasn't there, but I showed Elise a video and Gaia saw it too of Terin and thats where it came from. But Gaia was being a ham and showing off her gymnastics skills last night. ;) Also congrats to the men who made the team there too. To the fellow Buckeyes, Morgan, Paul and Raj....GO BUCKS! ;)

Anyways tomorrow is Kings Island...will have full details of that Wednesday.

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