What is up with the fricken thunderstorms? Seriously, the 2 days this week we have had them, they have been never ending! It has thundered here since 4:00 this afternoon! It is getting annoying! Its like what happened to those quick dodge them showers and storms you get during the summer? UGH!!!!!!!!!
I dunno about the weather, but my allergies have been really bad this last week. We have had like century mark temperatures and this is usually when the chlorine at the pool bothers me more and more, and its living up to that. Sneezing forever at night and not being able to breathe at night at all! UGH!
This time next week, I will be spending my first night of 10 in Ohio! YAHOO! We have so much crap planned in a spand of 3 days the following week. Gaia asked if I could spend 1 million days up there, and I was like no, but less than a month after I leave you will be down here swimming at the pool! I talked to Annie tonight and she was like lets do the water park one day and Kings Island 2 days after. :) YAY! I cannot wait to go! I haven't been to either of these places since we moved from Ohio basically. :( HAH! Tells you the last time I was up there during the summer. I wish we were going to Cedar Point, but there's not enough time and Gaia won't have as much fun there because she'll still be too short for the big rides. Its a place to take some one when they can go on everything.
I tell you what is hilarious about the pool this summer, is kids asking me how you do a front flip off the diving board. I am sitting here, can you do it on a trampoline and most of the time the answer is no! Its like then I don't know what to tell you there. LOL I don't know how to explain how to do flip! I am telling them the samething I was told, but I can do one on a trampoline and that probably makes a huge difference. I have managed to teach some one a back dive, that's about it. LOL That is easier than a front flip! HAH! My back flip, hah thats another story. Just thinking about it makes my legs hurt. The theory of if you can do a back dive you can do a flip....yeah right! I hear one more time I have done it (like 3/10 times) in the past, its like I will scream! Seriously! 30% of the time is far from passing, if you ask me! ;)
Well I am off here. I am listening to my ipod and heading to bed. :)
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