It started on Saturday when Amanda and her boys were here. I was up during the night sick and then felt better after a shower. I had to be ok to play hostess and help chase after those 2 little boys. ;)
Sunday I had a sore throat, but thought it was from the drainage of my allergies. I felt fine, minus that. My mom said she had the samething.
Monday I woke up and my sore throat was 1000 times worse and it hurt to swallow. I didn't think I had a sinus infection, but had the beginning signs of how it typically comes on. Well I had no voice and was just miserable. Off to Urgent Care I went, well heck at 9:00 in the morning you would've thought there wouldn't be that many people there. HAH! Not! I didn't get done in there till after 11:00! Its my sinuses! Ugh!
Went to wal-mart to get the medicine and headed home. I slept most of yesterday and was up literally sick to my stomach. But today I am feeling a bit better, have my voice back some what. Just tired of being sick, and sick of feeling like crap! :(
That's it. Later
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