This little fellow was in the yard yesterday. He was literally up on the back porch. I snapped this before he took off. :)
So as I said on Monday I woke up sick with a bad sore throat and my ears hurting. So I went to the doctor and was told it was a sinus infection and given 3 medications to take.
Fast-forward to this morning I still didn't feel right and my ears were hurting again. Granted I was on Amoxicillin, it should've knocked it out by now. 5 days of laying in bed and sleeping at all hours was getting to me. Had no fever, but I was miserable!
So I headed back to the urgent care. Of course there were a few billion people in there waiting and was told it would be an hour. So I sat and waited, basically. I have started reading the Rebecca series from American Girl, but couldn't focus on it. So I get called back, have lost 4 pounds since Monday. (gee what a popsicle diet does to you) My blood pressure, pulse and temperature were fine.
Doctor came in and looked me over and he went and got me free samples for another antibiotic and such. So thankful he didn't charge me for the visit either. The only thing I paid for was the cough syrup (that tastes TERRIBLE) prescription. So now on round 2 of antibiotics, hoping this will knock it out.
So I have begun feeling a little better, not sure if its the old antibiotic kicking in or what. My voice is back, but I can't talk long or I will start coughing. LOL I have missed talking on the phone with all of my friends.
Oh get this, I could've had the flu to go with the sinus infection. He said it explains why I am not feeling well because antibiotics don't work on the flu and he also said they weren't giving them for the Swine Flu either. The people who have died have had another condition. A boy in Raleigh died of it had Leukemia. I swear they are trying to scare people into getting the damn shot, but I am staying away from it.
Anyways....thats it. I am off to climb into bed and watch some TV.
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