Another stuffed animal shot! ;) Rainbow, Ben & Snowie on top. Morgan and Katy in front. :)
Did I tell anyone that 8:45am comes early in the morning? Oh my gosh! I was already half-awake when that wake-up call came this morning. So I took a shower, got dressed, went upstairs and ate a bowl of cereal, came back down and brushed my teeth, blow dryed my hair, did my hair and got out of the house at 20 of 10!
So a long story SHORT I asked to be put down for today's ball class to get one in this week, well the next day is when I got the call about the make-up class on Friday. So by the time I thought to call and cancel, it was too late in the day. So anyways, I got there about 10 minutes early and was told that the instructor was running 10 minutes late. Ok, so I went and sat in the classroom, like usual and took my phone out and started texting people to see if anyone was awake. LOL Well Marci was and kept me entertained for a bit. ;) So after talking/texting people for awhile, the other lady that was taking the class came in and introduced herself to me and such. So we chatted while we waited for our instructor to get there. So today's class wasn't that hard of impact like they are on Monday's. The lady that was there has problems with her knees and so alot of the stuff was cut out and we did other things. So the only problem I had was my elbows were starting to feel the strain of using the weights, because I have dislocated one and shattered the other, and my right elbow is the one that has never been the same! So I had pain issues with my elbows, especially when we were doing push-ups. I fought through it and didn't quit because of the pain. The other funny part was, the other lady was getting a massage after class and I was like oh can I have your spot?! LOL =p Only what 2 weeks till the 23rd?! ;)
So after class I went to Project Linus. We were having a goodbye luncheon for a lady that has been part of it I guess since the beginning of the one here. And oh my gosh you talk about a feast! LOL There was enough food for an army! Mmmmm! My bad though I forgot about there being a lunch today and took my own lunch! LOL Oops! =p So no blanket making today, just sewed on labels. And finally Miss Kate made an appearance! LOL So I got to chat with her for a bit and she gave me a ride home. :)
So I came home for a bit, before going back to Pilates. So my grandma and I were having word search races and of course I won them, but I was trying to go slow! So back out the door I went for 4:30 class. Well of course got there early and no one was there, that I could see. I sat down in the waiting area, rather than going into the classroom so I would be saw. LOL So it turns out I was the only one there! Well skippy-dee! LOL It wasn't bad at all, trust me. I am use to it right now, cause I am expecting it I guess. So all we did was go over what we had learned the last 2 months. (well some of it) So it was a good review! LOL
So tomorrow I am NOT going to Asheville. I am not getting up at 4am to go there. Its a 4 hour drive! No thanks! So Friday I am back to the massage place for ball class (again) and what I heard today was I will not be on my own, well that could change! We shall see! ;)
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