Friday, April 17, 2009


There's the true rainbow from the other day. =o)

I was beginning to wish this week was next week yesterday. My shoulders and arms were killing me all day yesterday. Like the entire upper part of my back and shoulders. I may not be sore like this next Thursday, but if I am....I hope the massage won't kill me. LOL Cause I tried to massage my shoulders to where I could reach and it hurt! LOL =p Oh well.

So yesterday my dad and I went up to Greensboro together. Which is nice, he's been on a nice streak lately. LOL I replaced my ipod that got washed, but hate the new one. LOL Is that even possible?! So that and a trip to Target made my day. =o)

So then today he wanted to go look at shoes at wal-mart and so I went again today. I got what I forgot to get yesterday. Of course every kid in this little town was in there, so much for making up the snow days this week. LOL =p

So thats it. My parents are going to Florida in May and I wish I was going, but I am being left behind. =( At least I will have the house to myself for a week. =)


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