I do want to give it a try aka why I signed up for it for next week, but hell if I am this bad next week, I will not get through a beginner class I don't think. I am barely getting through the beginner mat class at the moment, but this week was better with that also. Its like with time, I guess it will get better, but I don't know what was going on yesterday. I was having an all-around off day or something.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Either I was having an off day or I am not cut out for it!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I guess its good I didn't fall on my head!
So yeah, ball this morning. I forgot to take a sinus pill this morning before going, didn't think it was going to be a problem! So we did basically and thankfully everything else that didn't involve your legs. LOL She asked us if we had any problems and Helen said no and its like I wish I wasn't in pain! LOL =p So we did the shell on the ball. Ok well the first few times in went ok for me and Helen had some problems and so she worked with her and I was doing it on my own. Well 2/3 times we did it, I fell off the stupid ball! I mean like lost my balance and fell off to the side. I am thankful my body went side-ways and not forward or I would've fell on my head! Also when I felt like I was going to fall, I released my legs and had them out to the side and just let my body go to the side. So with spotting I tried it again, AGAIN fell off twice! Ugh, the instructor was like if it happens again we'll let it go for the day. LOL Well the 3rd time was a charm, being spotted! LOL I got the hang of it! LOL I have the hang of it, its just I dunno what was going on this morning! LOL =p
So this afternoon, we talked about today about next week being the intro to reformer class and so Helen gets some sort of idea, we're going to take an intro to the intro class...does that make any sense?! LOL At least I won't be clueless next week about going into it! I have no clue what this will involve or entail, but I will know after it! LOL
So thats it! Later!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Some one remind me next time......
So how was ball class yesterday? LOL It was good, really good. I swear I think everything we did was with our legs, cause nothing else hurts at the moment. We even did where we took turns saying something to do on the ball and its like um I dunno! LOL I am bad at remembering what stuff is called. And yes that class was in the afternoon and yet my brain was dead! We did the dreaded wall-squats and I think thats why my legs are bothering me. We some new things too, but ugh I really hate the squats! LOL =p
So thats it. We sadly didn't have dance tonight. =o( It will start next month again, I think. We shall see there. So thats it. I am off here! Later.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Why can't the pool open now?!
So mom and I went over to Wal-Mart to get away from the noise. LOL She was going on and on about when they leave and what I have to do and such. Its like you are leaving a week from now! Sheesh! Whatever! I can take care of myself and the animals and make sure the house is still standing when they come home! :rolls eyes:
So that's it. Nothing new other than planting more flowers and having a drill sounding like its coming through the ceiling! LOL
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Oh gosh!
I am pretty sure I will be able to see "Wicked" when we go see it! LOL I am 100% sure of it, if not there is really something wrong with my head! LOL
So that was my random thought of the weekend! =)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The massage was won-der-ful!!!!!!!
So while this was all going on, my friend's dad was under-going quadruple bypass surgery and I hadn't heard from her, but told her to text me and that my phone would be on but on vibrate. My phone did go off and it was loud to me. LOL
So that was today and thats all to report. :o) Monday its back to ball class...how can I go back after today?! I said that last time too! LOL =p
What a week it has been!
Just another random picture for Marci. :)
Ok just a note to everyone, I didn't answer my phone all weekend for various reasons. Its just a tough time of the year for me and Monday was the end of it. But its not because something happened to me, it was I didn't want anything to do with my phone. If that makes one bit of sense! ;)
So part from that, this week has gone by kind of quickly. Yesterday and today are like the only days something is going on really. Yesterday I went to ball class at 10:00am and wasn't alone, Helen was there. :) hehehe I didn't care, I have had classes alone and so its not a big deal now to have it alone. As to what we did, I can't remember. I have that shell on the ball down some what now. She actually had us do it on our own together, still unsure about the balancing part on the ball. My mind goes back to falling into my bed last week. LOL I had one slip right at the end, but that was my hand slipped when I was trying to get up into the position and made me loose my balance.
So I had Linus yesterday. :o) We actually had fleece to make blankets. Yay! I learned the other way of doing the strips yesterday also. That was my goal yesterday. :o) Kate was there also. So we each did a blanket and then took off. Her and I went to the dollar store and came back to my house for a bit and then went to her house before she took me to Pilates.
So Pilates, I am back to scratching my head at the moves. LOL I signed up for the Reformer intro class for the 6th, too. What am I doing to myself?! LOL It wasn't that bad, trust me. But its getting more challenging and it wasn't easy to catch on to everything at first. We learned 3 new things, and 2 were similar to each other and yet I still didn't get it right away. Its like give me about a month and I will get it! :rolls eyes:
So after all of that, Kate picked me up and we went to Asheboro to see about fleece. They had some of the cutest fabric at Hobby Lobby. Well I wasn't buying any, and she was like I will buy it for you. Ok, its up to you. So we did that went to Big Lots and CVS also up there. I ate a late dinner at her house and visited with her mom a bit.
It was a beautiful day yesterday. :) Windy, still is today. But it was a fun day yesterday. :o) This afternoon I have my massage at 2:00, and taking advice from other people about a few things in hope I don't have the muscle spasms of last time. Keep your fingers crossed!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
So today my mom and I planted the seeds we had bought awhile back. So we headed to Lowe's to get the herbs and vegetables and such we wanted. The big thing being tomato plants, we had success last year growing them and hoping to have the same this year. :) So it starting drizzling before we left, so typical. LOL But we were able to get everything planted before it decided to do more than drizzle and everything looks great! :o) I took pictures of the stuff today, and will post them down the road. ;)
So I have nothing planned till Wednesday. LOL I have ball, Linus and Pilates all on Wednesday, which means I'll be home a whole 70 minutes before turning around and going back out the door, well not even that. Don't get out of Linus until 3:00, so it will be more like an hour or less. :o) LOL I am hoping we make blankets this week. Hopefully!
So thats it. Have a good week!
Always Remember and Never Forget 4/19/95 & 4/20/99!
Friday, April 17, 2009
So then today he wanted to go look at shoes at wal-mart and so I went again today. I got what I forgot to get yesterday. Of course every kid in this little town was in there, so much for making up the snow days this week. LOL =p
So thats it. My parents are going to Florida in May and I wish I was going, but I am being left behind. =( At least I will have the house to myself for a week. =)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
It was a busy-busy day!

Well here I thought Helen was doing the class this morning, well it turns out no one else was coming and if I didn't call the instructor would've had a free-hour there. Oops! Its like I hope you weren't planning on that for sure! ;) I guess we're lucky she came in and was there before 10:00, but some one else could've called her and told her that we were coming, or I don't know! LOL I am not going to sit here and speculate it. LOL
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Rainbows at the of the day...
Monday, April 13, 2009
I am so proud of myself!

Saturday, April 11, 2009
I swear...I CANNOT take it much more!!!!!!
Fast-forward to the car, I got in and so she opened the door and was yelling at me in the parking lot and all this shit, she then proceeded to punch me in the face. Oh yeah, that made me real happy! So on the way home she said she rather live with my great-aunt (who's a control freak) than with me, I am fat, fatter than she was when I was her age, was married had a stable job and a kid at my age, she wants to disown me, she's willing to pay some one $1000 a month to let me move-in with them. That list goes on!
So I am off to bed here, before they get home from Easter vigual. She actually thought I was going to go tonight too....HAHAHA NOPE!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thunderstorms...Severe Weather.....Yay!
I heard from my friend Annie too last night, I was excited to hear from her. I can't wait to see her new cat now. :o)
So that was basically it today. :o) Other than the stinkin storms we're getting on and off at the moment. Yay for them, not! I hate thunderstorms. =(
I'm off here, have a good weekend!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Its beautiful outside!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
What a day!
So after class I went to Project Linus. We were having a goodbye luncheon for a lady that has been part of it I guess since the beginning of the one here. And oh my gosh you talk about a feast! LOL There was enough food for an army! Mmmmm! My bad though I forgot about there being a lunch today and took my own lunch! LOL Oops! =p So no blanket making today, just sewed on labels. And finally Miss Kate made an appearance! LOL So I got to chat with her for a bit and she gave me a ride home. :)
So tomorrow I am NOT going to Asheville. I am not getting up at 4am to go there. Its a 4 hour drive! No thanks! So Friday I am back to the massage place for ball class (again) and what I heard today was I will not be on my own, well that could change! We shall see! ;)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I swear if my cell phone rings one more time....
Ok, did anyone remind mother nature that it is spring and that it is APRIL?! Ugh! Its cold, its windy and the pollen is everywhere!!!! UGH! 50 outside in April, its usually 70-80 by now. I swear I am moving to Florida!
So anyways, my dad has his 2nd stress test today and hopefully it goes better than the last time. Ugh, lets not go there. I don't think I can take a remake of the last time! I am staying home to entertain my grandma and that hasn't been too hard. ;)
Oh some one shoot me. I washed my ipod last night! Its toast, sadly. Warrantly ran out on March 31st, my luck! I found my old ipod and will use that until I have the money to get a new one.
That's it.
Monday, April 6, 2009
What a day!
Marci....there's Caroline and Crystal sitting on the pillows on top of the trashcan. LOL
Ok a few things. I changed my picture on top. Its my little beanies spelling out my name and plus its something new and different. ;)
Number 2 thing, there is a new ticker on here. My parents have decided to go to Colorado in early August over going back to the beach. I am PLANNED to fly out after seeing Rent the final time on August 2nd, but that could change. But I'm excited cause I haven't been out there since the year Gaia was born and can't wait to go back! WOOHOO!
So this morning I got a call this morning from the massage place and I was sitting there and was going what in the world is this all about. LOL Well it was about dance being cancelled tomorrow and I let her know that I wasn't going to be able to go because I gotta be home with my grandma tomorrow cause of my dad's test. So anyways, I got ready and such for ball class and was upstairs talking to my grandma and such. I got a call from Sharon saying she was going to be late getting to class and to go ahead and go. Well during that conversation, I heard my phone beep and didn't catch the call, looked to see who called and it was the massage place again. I was like what the heck now?! So rather than call my voice mail, I called them back to see what they needed. Well it was to let me know the instructor had a family emergency and cancelled the classes this afternoon. I was like ok, thanks. I mean if it would've been about 5 minutes later, I would've been in the car going over there. LOL
So our neighbor's got a new puppy, a little chocolate lab. They have a yellow lab that is absolutely adorable and sweet. So my parents had seen the dog and I had waited all day to see the new doggie. So on our way out to get a pizza, our neighbor was out walking both dogs and I jumped out to go meet the new puppy! She's so cute!!!!!! I walked with our neighbor to help her out with the two dogs, and she did really well on the leash and wanted to attack her big sister. Poor Willie has nothing to do with her at the moment. Ollie is the new doggie's name. So-so cute!
So thats it! I'm off here! Night!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
What a very informative day....lol
So today was Pilates, yay! We learned the final Primer move today and the torso twists wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Except finding where you put all your weight and such and oh yeah keeping your shoulders down! LOL I can't do that even at ball class! So we did that and also cat stretch and either I was too far gone to fix or I had it dead on, doing it today I had it down pack! I was proud of myself in getting it this week, I think. So next week we are going over all of the stuff we learned one by one. Woohoo, I think. I am thinking back to some of the things and I had problems with a few things. So we are going to set up a date and time to do the intro to reformer class. So that will be interesting, I am curious as to what it all involves other than the scary looking equipment! LOL
So after class Sharon and I went to eat dinner before the Detox seminar. We went to have pizza and it was good because I was hungry, but we were cutting it short getting back to the class. So we came back and saw some familar faces and some new ones. It was a good turn-out if you ask me. So this was very informative about what you can do to make your body better and steps you take to get it there. I think the weird part was that you are allergic to more foods than you realize and so to find out you start eliminating like the basic groups of foods and then start bringing them back and see how your body reacts. I am totally glad I went. =)
So thats about it. I am off here. I am tired and gotta finish filling out this paper so I can give it back next week. Night!