Snowball vs Sadie....hahaha Sadie had nothing to do with it. ;)
So I will get to my Blog title here in a second. But a few things first...Marci you keep avoiding me or whatever and guess what....read this and know this will be the last time I'll trying getting in touch with you.
Another thing, what was scary about Saturday afternoon going to wal-mart....what could be so scary about that?! Right?! Well we were driving behind my friend Kate who was basically headed to the same area as we were. My mom was like I hope she doesn't drive like that when you are in the car. :rolls eyes: Whatever!
So I got a surprise birthday present from my aunt and uncle! Ticket to see Rent in Charlotte!!!! HOLY COW! I was excited! Charlotte is the same distance as Durham basically, so it was a 2 hour drive over there to spend the day. We left Saturday night and came back home Sunday. Well I dunno how they got awesome seats, but we wound up being right in the front. =) Oh my gosh, it was even more awesome the 2nd time around. Twice in a week, I might add. ;) I swear, Anthony Rapp was singing the first part of the song "Rent" right in front of me and it was like good gosh he's so-so-so cute in person!!!! Well up close he is, in Durham I didn't get that close. ;) So my aunt and I had rented the movie version so she would have a clue about what to expect, and of course she cried during it, which I knew would happen. I cried, what can I say!
So I actually got to see what happened with Angel dying and paid more attention to that this time. My aunt was boo-hooing then. I still didn't cry! Mimi dying was a totally completely different story! I was crying when Adam (Roger) sang "Your Eyes" and I tell you what Lexi Lawson who plays Mimi is my favorite Mimi to the 3 I have heard sing that part. LOL Just amazing. This cast is amazing! My aunt I don't ever stopped crying from Angel's death. LOL I just cried even more with Mimi's, knowing it was coming.
So after the show we went back to the stage door, where the cast comes out. Anthony, Lexi, Nicolette and the one who plays Collins came out. I was already in another place with being there a 2nd time, but Anthony Rapp is so sweet! He said hi to us and I just spit out that it was my 2nd time seeing the show in a week, I saw it last Sunday in Durham. I am not 100% sure if he heard me, but he smiled at me after I said it.
I am on cloud 9 for this. I had an awesome weekend. :) Can't you tell?!
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