Friday, February 6, 2009

Only In North Carolina!

I was looking in my small curio cabinet and found 2 beanie bears that I forgot I even had. They have been like that since 2002 since the big Olympic controversy with Jamie Sale and David Pelletier/Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikhardlidze. They're entangled with my only skating medal I ever won. ;)

As for the post title....well its gone from SNOWING on Monday night to going to be in the 60's this weekend! What the heck?! Ugh! Wonder why I have so many sinus infections during the winter down here. Its called the crazy ass weather we have down here! UGH! I am looking outside my window right now and there's still a bit snow on the ground. Well its going to be gone after today! =( While yeah I'll miss it, I wish the weather would stay constantly one temperature level and not 6 billion! LOL

So there's a new post. =) Nothing else going on here, other than the crazy weather.

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