There's Miss Sadie out enjoying what's left of the snow from the storm Tuesday. And on the other side of the drive way, there is a bit left STILL! Wowsers!
So this weekend was great. Well especially today. Kate and I travelled up to Durham to go see "Rent." Yes as in the broadway musical. Kate was all excited because two of the guys from the original broadway cast (Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp) were part of the show. I was reading through the program and like any play there were under-studies, and I was like God I really hope these two guys are performing at this show. Kate had gotten to see the show in NYC and so this was her 2nd time and my first time. I had seen only parts of the movie, so this was a treat for me.
So we had to leave here by 10:15 or so, its a 2 hour drive up there. We got there at about 12:00 and parked and such. We got a pretzel to eat and a drink and such. We were let in the theater at 12:30 and then we went back out to get souveniers, cause the lines would've been crazy come intermission and at the end. HAH! So one of my favorite songs is in this musical, but yet I knew very little about the actual show.
I was a bit nervous about if I was going to enjoy it and got into it the first song really. Adam and Anthony are soooooooo cute, Anthony's character Mark (I THINK) is my favorite! We had center seats, literally in the middle of the stage. Kate couldn't hold still to save her life! LOL So the first half was the longest part of the show. But I really liked the music in the first half and I don't think there's an easy way to explain this show without giving it away. The 2nd act, the 1st song they do is my FAVORITE song! (Seasons of Love) The whole cast came out and sang it and was great! They sounded wonderful.
The 2nd half was full of surprises for me. For one thing, having dead center seats isn't always the greatest! LOL During the 2nd act, there's a bright and I mean BRIGHT light that comes dead center off the stage and was right in my face! So of course I was looking away from the light the majority of the time and missed what was going on and the meaning of it! LOL I cried at the end, oh did I ever cry. :'( It was so sad at the end, but I'm not going to say what happened. LOL
It was an awesome day! :o) Tomorrow Kate, her mom and I are going to Greensboro to go shopping. So another early wake-up call tomorrow. ;) Thank you Kate for asking me to come with you! I had an awesome time!
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