There's a blast from the past. K0-Ko when he was just a few weeks old. Man do I miss him being this side! ;)
Oh my what a weekend! I swear right now is the worst time not to have a steady job and finding a job is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Putting in applications is all I can do right now and work my other job when I am needed. But its not much, but hell its the pits. :( I hope and pray it happens sooner rather than later so I can have some money coming in and such.
I was at Kate's house like most of Saturday. They had a brunch with the neighbors around where they live and invited me to come. Kate and I went out afterwards and we went to Goody's and its going out of business! I was in shock over that. I knew they were closing some of the stores, but our little town has NOTHING and I found stuff at this store. :( Oh well there are new stores coming in, but still who knows how long they will last. :(
So keeping busy is what needs to happen right now. Kate and I are going to go to like these free classes for yoga and such in February. We've got a trip to Colors N Clay planned at some point, possibly on Wednesday, just depends on whats going on. I am still working-out on the Wii Fit each day and still is a hit and miss there. UGH TO THAT! :(
So that's all that is going on here at the present moment. Just trying to keep busy and doing stuff. Its actually suppose to get COLD here, if you can believe that. Crazy weather we have in North Carolina if you ask me!
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