So as you can see I made a blanket for "Project Linus." Kate and I went to a meeting and actually I did a complete blanket on my own while I was there. So that one above was my 2nd one and since then I've made another one to take the next time I go. Hell, its something to do at the moment. If you know what I mean. ;)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The things you do to keep busy....
Sunday, January 25, 2009
What a great weekend!
So this weekend was great. Well especially today. Kate and I travelled up to Durham to go see "Rent." Yes as in the broadway musical. Kate was all excited because two of the guys from the original broadway cast (Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp) were part of the show. I was reading through the program and like any play there were under-studies, and I was like God I really hope these two guys are performing at this show. Kate had gotten to see the show in NYC and so this was her 2nd time and my first time. I had seen only parts of the movie, so this was a treat for me.
It was an awesome day! :o) Tomorrow Kate, her mom and I are going to Greensboro to go shopping. So another early wake-up call tomorrow. ;) Thank you Kate for asking me to come with you! I had an awesome time!
Off to bed....night!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The snow is still around!!!!

Marci if you are reading this, then good. Because I dunno why you are snapping left and right at me about stuff that isn't in my control, but you need to STOP IT! I am so glad it was my text and not verbally screaming in my ear. You are not the only one that has problems at the moment and jumping down my back about my opinions that you ask for isn't going to continue anymore. GOT IT? Good!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Oh what a day!
There's the C and mug completed! :) They look completely different from the last pictures I posted and I am happy with them. :) Very happy! :)
Oh get this, the snow at our house is still around after it got up to near 40 today and it was sunny. It looked so beautiful waking up to see it on the ground this morning. :) Its just nice to be able to enjoy the snow while its here, cause 99% of the time its gone on the same day it comes!
So the roads were pretty much ok, minus like the nieghborhood. So Kate and I ventured out and did errands and such. We picked up our creations at Colors N Clay and had lunch and shopped over the little strip-mall we have. Between my mom and my friend Marci texting me, I was about to throw out my window! LOL So my mom asked me to stop and pick up a pizza and invited Kate over for dinner. So that worked out dandy! =)
So flash-forward to after we here for a bit. My mom yelled down to us and said that my dad ran into her car and I was like are you for real?! Well low and behold he did and left a dent in Kate's car and damaged the van. =( Not pretty. =( Poor Kate has had some bad luck with her car lately, but I feel so bad that this was caused by my parents, but my dad is like we'll pay for it to be repaired. Well I hope he pays for it, since he's the idiot that didn't check, but its part my fault for telling Kate it would be ok to park there cause my mom was like no one is going out. Well, one great idea turned into that. :o(
So thats its! Later!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A new president and lots of snow!
So that's it. I am enjoying the snow and going to go enjoy it while it lasts! hahaha
Monday, January 19, 2009
Winter Storm Warning For Seven Lakes!

So after poor Kate stood in the parking lot rubbing that stuff on the paint and getting alot off, Kevin came up with the idea of going to his family's car workshop and doing something to it and hell wish he would've said that before. So after having some ice cream we went there and he worked a miracle! :)
So after being out all day, came home to having one of my favorite dinners. :) I am ready to kick back and relax and bring on the snow! :o)
Happy Snow Day! Will post pictures of what we get! :)
Sunday, January 18, 2009
A text message woke me up this morning...

I can't wait to see these on Wednesday!!!!! :) There's the C I made for myself and the mug again. :) I think I will put the C in my bathroom, it will go with the decore in there pretty well.
Marci I did get your text this morning. It was my wake-up call this morning. I'm so sorry about your aunt. :( It seems like you have a dark cloud following you around at the moment with bad luck and this wasn't what you needed. I'm here if you need to talk to some one. :hugs:
So that's my post for today. Its raining/sleeting out today. LOVELY! (not) I hate weather that won't make up its mind, seriously! LOL Later!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
I survived the 7 degree low last night!
Oh my gosh some one please send in the warmer weather already! It got down to 7 last night here, and yes that is in North Carolina....southern NC I might add. We're like 90 minutes from South Carolina or something like that. At least it was -15 like it was in Columbus. YIKES! I really don't miss the crazy cold temperatures in the North, but yes I do miss the snow! ;)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Brrrrrrrrrrr its getting cold outside!

So all night I was up and down and feel like crap at the moment. :( Shoot me. :( I am off here. Later!
Monday, January 12, 2009

So keeping busy is what needs to happen right now. Kate and I are going to go to like these free classes for yoga and such in February. We've got a trip to Colors N Clay planned at some point, possibly on Wednesday, just depends on whats going on. I am still working-out on the Wii Fit each day and still is a hit and miss there. UGH TO THAT! :(
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Happy Birthday Gracie!!!!!!!!!!!

One year ago the Ohio State Buckeyes lost their 2nd National Championship in a row and that tradition is alive still...they lost last night thanks to a bad call! LOL
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy 2009 Everyone!
I learned very quickly not to shut the door behind me with Violet. (Kate's cat) She stood at my door and meowed until I opened the door and let her in. I mean she went on and on! So she got up and laid on my side and then I kept moving and she got mad and jumped off and left. I went to the bathroom and didn't see her and so I shut the door and went back to sleep. Violet wasn't too happy with me the following morning it seemed. LOL ;)
Oh my gosh if anyone reading this is looking for a puppy, there is a very cute Jack Russell Terrier at the 4 Seasons Mall in Greensboro looking for a home! She is ABSOLUTELY adorable and I wish I could've had her, but I have my Sadie. She is brown, with some black and white. She has a black, pink and white nose. Very cute, very dosile and I wish I could've had her. :( She will find a home soon, but I wish this was 7 years ago and us looking for a dog. Cause that would've been mine! :)
Well thats it for now. :) Happy New Year!