Thats just putting in simply for the most part because 95% of the time Gaia got into trouble with me, wait 99.9% of the time I should say, I got YELLED at for it!
This week was Gaia's week with my parents and this will happen every summer. I can't wait for the year where I will not be here to experience it because of the shit I got this week. Its so not fair that a 6 y/o does something wrong, why does the adult in charge of her get yelled at? I don't get it! It pisses me off!
This week was spent swimming at the pool everyday. She got here on Saturday and is leaving tomorrow. I think one day we were down there from 2-9! Talk about a long day! LOL Well we went at 2 because she wanted to see Natalie and she worked in the morning and that was the only way we could do it. But it was funny on Tuesday, I think it was, Natalie left and they switch shifts at 4 and so 3 new guards came on duty and the next thing I saw was Gaia over with Morgan hanging on her and I was like Oh my God! I was like Gaia did you make sure it was ok to do that, and I walked over and said just tell her to leave you alone if she bugs you too much. LOL It was an instant bond between those two, and Morgan had said she would babysit while she was here and I jokingly said to Gaia do you want to spend time at Morgan's house one day and she goes "Yes! She's the bestest!" LOL So it was drawn out over the next days and she kept saying she wanted to and on Thursday we said well we will call and let you know. :)
So yesterday, I woke up and saw that it was 10:30 and I was like woah, if Gaia wants to still go to Morgan's I have to call. So I called after making sure Gaia still wanted to go, and of course YES! So I called and said I bring her at about 1:00. So between that time we made a volcano, which was was kind of neat even for me! HAHA! So after that Gaia got her bathing suit on and got her little bag packed and off to Morgan's we went. The night before we drove by to see where the house was and Gaia said she tell me when we got close and she goes there it is! Like 2 seconds before I saw it. LOL So we got there probably after 1:00, I am not sure and so I was going to walk her to the front door, but Morgan met us outside in the garage and asked if she had ate lunch and Gaia said no, and said ok well we can do that and said bye to me and that was it. I left and the eerieness of the quiet was what caught me. I went to the pool at 2:00, and Morgan brought her down with her at 4 when she went on duty.
I wished I snapped a picture of those 2 walking up the sidewalk, because Gaia apparently got hungry and they made popcorn and I looked over the fence and saw the two of them walking with a bowl between them, Morgan was on the phone and Gaia was eatting! So so cute! I was even more relieved that she didn't act up and such too. They spent the entire time in the lake trying to catch fish! LOL So Gaia was worn out from the day and came back here early. Which was ok with me. But I did snap a cute picture of them together, eatting that popcorn! HAH!
Then today Gaia has been tired and grumpy and I wasn't going to deal with it, personally. I told my mom if they were going to bring her to the pool they had to sit there with her, OF COURSE THEY DIDN'T! Some one said something rude to me and she laughed at the comment and goes it was funny thats why I laughed and I was like oh you are not doing this to me. So we left just after 4:00 cause I wasn't putting up with it, and I GOT YELLED AT FOR NOT PUTTING UP WITH IT! Ugh whatever. I am done, I am locked in my room for the night. are some pictures from the week....its about to storm here.
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