I keep finding some cute pictures from when Gaia was here. I forgot to download or I did and jsut now are seeing these ones. :)
So this time next week I will be in Myrtle Beach and I cannot wait! :o) I think my parents are trying to make it a tradition to end the summer down there. We did that growing up, our final trip of the summer was always to North and South Carolina for a week or more. :) Last year we only went for the weekend and this year we are going for 5 days. Ugh! I can't wait to go! LOL
So Gaia went home last weekend and the crap that has come out of her visit to her mom was all negative and its like what the hell did her mother say to her to get all the bad and nothing good out of the visit?! Seriously?! Some of the stuff that was stuff was so far-fetched and stupid it was ridicolous! I am not going to sit here and waste my breath on it.
So yesterday we had the strangest weather you can imagine. I went swimming at like 2:00 or so and like 30 minutes later it started thundering and continued doing that until I guess 3:30 (cause you can get back in 30 minutes after the last thunder rumble) and I was going to go home at 3:00 I guess, but I stayed up and talked to Natalie about her trip to Myrtle Beach and the rest of Gaia's visit and such like that. So got back in at 4:00 and it was sunny and nice, had cooled off alot. And the day before I had finally got the nerve up to try butterfly the pool length and one of the guards that came on at 4 was like do it then and its like I don't want to. HAH! I am still hesitant about doing it, but unlike years past I am at least trying it this year. ;) HAH! I still look like a drowning dog, but at least I don't feel like I going to drown attempting it! ANYWAYS! Marci be proud of me, I did do it short ways last night! :) Except I don't have the stupid kick down. UGH! First it was my arms and now its my legs. So guess what it did before 5:00 or at 5, THUNDERED!!!!!!!!!! Ugh to that! Got out of the pool and soon after that it started pouring down rain and didn't really stop until 6:00 and I was on the golf cart and couldn't exactly drive home in the pouring down rain. I did get hom eventually! HAH! ;)
So there's this week basically. I am so ready for the Olympics to start tonight. :) GO USA!
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