Finally after a year of waiting for the tour to come to DPAC and months and months of waiting since buying tickets, the tour is now on their way or are in North Carolina for the next 6 weeks basically! =D
I started my countdown to May 4th and it was at 99 days and today it's at 15 days! (2 weeks from tomorrow) And back at 89 days, it seemed like an eternity until they were going to be here; and after Greenville it was like its just over 2 months away! :)
So excited to see this amazing touring company again! Even though many have left the tour since Greenville, I am anxious to see new faces and put another name to the many different roles of this show. I have heard over and over about Vicki Noon and Natalie Daradich and how bummed people were they left San Francisco to join the tour, and its like they are sharing their talent all over the country now. ;) More of us get to see them. hahaha
So the funny part is, in Charlotte this I dunno what the heck its called, will be set up at a mall there the duration of the tour's stay there, where you can get into Glinda's bubble and I dunno what else its all about. ;) But my aunt was like pick which one you want to do; the stage door or that?! COME ON! LOL Hard choice, not really! ;)
So the countdown is on till Durham's trip to see Wicked and after that the countdown will be on to see Charlotte's first matinee! =) So exciting! I cannot wait!!!!
The Wicked thing at the mall actually leaves about a week before the show gets there...sort of a promo thing ahead of the show. I think I'm going in early May to see the mall thingy...'cause I'm that much of a Wicked dork.
Kristin Chenoweth was the featured person in the back of my Bon Appetit and I squealed! Seriously, it's a disease....
Good to know I will miss it! ;) Cause I wasn't going to get to see it anyways. I had to choose between that and the stage door. ;) PLUS I will be at Wicked in early May!
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