For those who follow figure skating, by now may have heard about Joannie Rochette's mom passing away on Sunday after a sudden heart attack. Joannie announced that she planned to skate in last night's short program and tomorrow night's long program, even after all of this.
She took the ice last night and nailed her short program. Her mom was truly watching over her last night and her program was for her mom. I was just amazed and so happy for her and how well she performed after all she's been through. She's in 3rd place going into the long program and I wish her all the best. =D
So onto something else that is UP IN THE AIR probably till I actually see Wicked. HaH! Now apparently according to a source Marcie Dodd, who has been the lead Elphaba on the 2nd National tour since last March, is NOT leaving the tour after their run in Dayton. Which has been going back and forth and all-around about who will take over the spot. For me, I don't care, I can't wait to see WHOEVER come May. I was hoping Carrie Manolokas, the current standby, would get the lead after Marcie's departure, but apparently she's the one that will depart and Anne Brummel will take over her spot.
So, that's where that stands right now. So many people I know online that love Marcie will be excited to hear this bit of news. =D I really don't care. I have heard nothing but WONDERFUL things about her and she was amazing in Greenville. And after reading this, I bet some are really wondering if this is how I feel. BUT, the truth is, back in January when I went looking to see who is who on the tour, I fell in love with Carrie Manolokas and was hoping for her in Durham. But time will tell, and I cannot wait to see the show once again with WHOEVER it will be. =D
That's it. I woke up after 5:00 this morning and can't fall asleep again. Oh wellers!
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