Ok backing up to this summer, I had thought about possibly purchasing "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer just to see what the hype was all about. I had started to read the book, but then lost it. So I was like, ok I want all 4 books and put it on my Christmas list and I got all 4. :) I was excited.
So what I have to say is that you have to think past the vampire part of the series, because its not revolved around that. Its almost like Romeo and Juliet, two people in love wanting to be together, but something holds them back.
I finished Twilight this week and watched the movie. I enjoyed the book and the movie. :) Like with ALL movies, they chopped out so much of the book, but the climax was of the book was what was hard to put it back down. ;) hahaha I read 200 pages in 2 hours, and then woke up the next day and re-read it and found that I skimmed most of the pages. Hahaha! OOPSY!
So now I am into New Moon and while its "slow" at the moment, I hope it starts picking up. ;) hahaha I will probably have all 4 books read before the 3rd movie is out, hahaha! That would be nice. :D
Like with Harry Potter, I can't believe I am HOOKED into Twilight.
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