The holidays have already began for me. I love this time of the year, but I also hate it. The 20th marked 11 years since I lost my grandpa and he died the week before Thanksgiving and it was a tough first holiday without him there. His funeral was on Monday and Thanksgiving was 3 days later.
I hate it in the sense that my parents go over-board with everything. I looked at what they have bought for my niece and its RIDICOLOUS! I think yesterday my mom got her 2 or 3 DS Nintendo games alone, I think she has 4 in total now. I am SO against her having a DS because I don't believe her reading has improved and it was a requirement. This is exactly why Gaia knows she asks for something she'll get it and then some.
I did get my brother's present yesterday. :) I know he'll like it. hehehe All I can say. ;)
As for my parents, right now they won't get a thing. I am sick of them using and abusing me (as I put it) and get nothing in return except for being yelled at and such. I am tired of it and it either has to change or......
So thats it. Have a great holiday tomorrow. :)
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