Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

I want to wish everyone out there a Happy Thanksgiving! This year will mark my 29th one! YIKES! Its probably not as memorable as my 1st Christmas was for my parents. But still, enjoy stuffing your face with turkey and all the trimmings!

The holidays have already began for me. I love this time of the year, but I also hate it. The 20th marked 11 years since I lost my grandpa and he died the week before Thanksgiving and it was a tough first holiday without him there. His funeral was on Monday and Thanksgiving was 3 days later.

I hate it in the sense that my parents go over-board with everything. I looked at what they have bought for my niece and its RIDICOLOUS! I think yesterday my mom got her 2 or 3 DS Nintendo games alone, I think she has 4 in total now. I am SO against her having a DS because I don't believe her reading has improved and it was a requirement. This is exactly why Gaia knows she asks for something she'll get it and then some.

I did get my brother's present yesterday. :) I know he'll like it. hehehe All I can say. ;)

As for my parents, right now they won't get a thing. I am sick of them using and abusing me (as I put it) and get nothing in return except for being yelled at and such. I am tired of it and it either has to change or......

So thats it. Have a great holiday tomorrow. :)

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