Friday, September 11, 2009

8 years later....

My newest project....isn't it pretty??!!!

A very special Happy Birthday wish going out to my brother who turned 33 today! Wow! He's almost half way to 40! Yikes! 18 months until I'm 30, that's even scarier. =O

It has been 8 years since 19 middle-eastern men hijacked 4 separate planes and flew them into the World Trade Center, Pentagon and the last crashed outside of Pittsburgh, PA.

Where I was that day is something I rather forget! LOL All though I will NEVER forget that day for anything, but 8 year ago I never imagined I would be touched the ways I have been by the attacks. Trust me I rather forget that part of the day. ;)

I believe in fate and fate brought me together with Deborah Borza, whose daughter was among the 40 passengers that were on board on United 93 which crashed after the passenger and crew revolt. They saved so many more with their actions that day. If you seriously told me 8 years ago I would move to the middle of nowhere in NC and stumble across Deora's name, I would've said you were crazy! Everything happens for a reason and I would NOT change it for all the chocolate in the world.

But today and every 9/11 we will mark the anniversary and remember those who were lost that morning. I was commented to my parents that this is going to be one of the final years that my niece will see today through the innocence of a child, the way my brother and I grew up seeing it as, his brithday and just the numbers being 9-1-1. But soon enough she'll learn of what happened today and it won't be like it was today. Gaia made a 12 page birthday card for my brother and it was all about the things they do together. Its stuff like that make me look at the bright side of the day for my family with it being his birthday.

So I end this and hope everyone took a moment to pray for the families, friends and those killed on 9/11/01 and may we never forget the actions of the heroes in the air and on the ground....

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