Gaia with one of the 30-50 fish that she caught at the beach. I have 100 beach pictures and finally blogspot is allowing me to upload them without me pulling my hair out about it! ;)
I am going to leave you guess about my title, but please keep my friend's daughter Alexis in your prayers. She fractured her leg and had surgery this afternoon to fix it, but she was airlifted to the Children's hospital an hour away from the local hospital. They have basically kept my friend in the dark about what is going on with her kid and didn't even tell her this was happening. The hospital is fucked up if you ask me.
Ok on to my title and the explanation of that. I'm sure if you regularly read this and you know me that it can't be a good thing, right? ;)
So yesterday at the pool, I was standing on the side and talking to a lady and her niece. We had been goofing off the whole time I was there. Trying to take a drunk-driving test, none of us past the standing on one foot and holding the other up! LOL Well her niece and I only past the touching your finger to your nose. hahaha
So Alexa said to me to come over to where she was. Well I was right near where she was and I went to take a step and stepped on the lifeguard float thingy, mind you I had known it was on the side of the pool, cause I put it there, but it had been move in the process of the day. So when I stepped on it, my foot slipped on it and it threw me backwards onto the concrete.
Luckily I knew I was going down, because if I didn't, it would've been my head that hit first and I was able to save myself from hitting that first. I hit my butt first and then fell back from there. I went down all the way, but stayed down for the simple fact my back hurt and I was embaressed at that moment more than anything....also thinking I was going to be told to stay still. LOL
The lady who was there with her niece asked me if anything hurt, I said my back. My back was hurting because of the fall and also I felt it scrape against the concrete, but the scraping was hurting more than my lower back. So Alexa yelled for the manager to come over, and I still had not got out of my mouth why my back was hurting and it was from the scraping and being in that same spot!
The lady was like here gently lift your head up and she was putting a towel under my head. Alexa was like no don't move and I finally said what was hurting and why. So I had to roll to my side so they could check my back, and yes its scraped on my left side a little, but not too badly.
So I got back up on my feet with no problems. My friend Dianne was down at the playground with her daughter Melody and she brought her in to see me, apparently she knew something had happened. Melody is so cute! She's 16 months old and just ugh so cute! She did make me feel better I tell you that much. ;) Everything to her is "ball" she called Alexa ball, I was like no thats Alexa say hi. She just waved and smiled at everyone and said ball and pool. ;)
So today my back is sore from yesterday, my lower back mostly. But its fine other than that. I went and swam today and had no problems at all. LOL ;)
1 comment:
Ouch... that's gotta hurt!
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