Gaia finally lost a tooth! Woohoo! How cute is this picture?! ;)
No I'm not in NY right now. My friend that I was going with to see the show is sick in the hospital with Swine Flu they believe. She has a 103 fever and isn't too well at the moment. =( Her friend was like still come and I'll go with you and its like no thanks! LOL I'll stay home rather than get sick myself before going to the beach next week. :( So it totally sucks, but I hadn't paid for my ticket or anything, so its all good. I hope they do another tour like this again. :)
So Gaia lost her first tooth on Monday, so what did the the tooth fairy bring her? NOTHING! Yes I said nothing. What kind of fairy lives at her mother's house?! Ugh! Well she didn't have the tooth under her pillow, because she lost it at school. Thats when you sit down and help the child write a note explaining what happened, but no instead she got nothing. But don't worry, the fairy got lost and made an appearance here instead and she'll get something when she comes next weekend. =o)
So thats it. The weather has been unpredictable here the whole week. Yesterday was the most I swam the entire week. LOL I went early thinking it was going to storm at some point, but it just rained a little bit and that was it.
So I am off to clean out my closet, YIKES! Wish me luck! LOL
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