So I am off to clean out my closet, YIKES! Wish me luck! LOL
So I am off to clean out my closet, YIKES! Wish me luck! LOL
I will have been to 2/3 of the memorials after this....I still haven't been to the one in NYC, but that won't be till after its completed.
Thats it. Till next time....
Sunday night I went down to the lake to swim with Karissa. The funny part is we both are trying to get the butterfly stroke and on Saturday Jen was like Karissa has it, but Cortney you don't. So I got to where I was trying it multiple ways and I was doing it the way Karissa was doing it and its like well is that it?! LOL
So today it was cloudy and cooler, but I met Karissa down there today. So I was determined to work at the stupid thing. I kept practicing it Jen's way and I even did it the pool length and then half way back! I was damn proud of myself, I tell you that much. ;) I am not doing it anymore the way I use to do it; I'm doing it big kick, little kick, stroke and kick at the same time. NO CLUE IF THATS IT, BUT IT FEELS RIGHT TO ME! ;)
So anyways, Marci called me and I was laying on a lounge chair watching Danny set off potato bombs or whatever they were. LOL All it did was make loud noises and I thought at one point the last one he did was going to land on me! So I was looking around and the lifeguards were putting stuff away and I told Marci that I needed to get up off the chair so they could get my cushion and the other one that my stuff was sitting on.
Well I thought I could back up on it, where your head is suppose to go, and I was doing that and all the sudden the chair like flew up and I fell off! I am amazed that I didn't throw my phone, but I was laughing so hard. Marci, poor you didn't have a clue what happened other than hearing me scream! It was a GOOD thing that the cushion was still on the chair because it wouldn't have been pretty. LOL The funny part is looking around and seeing the look on people's faces and its like it would only happen to me! ;)
Oh I was waiting to see if it would QUIT thundering and well instead got caught in a terrible storm! Ugh! I got almost home, like 2 streets away from the turn-off and it started pouring down rain, like a monsoon! It was crazy!
So that was the past 2 days....not much going on now without Gaia here. ;)
Sunday we basically spent the day down at the pool. She couldn't wait to get down there, I tell you that much. She asked me at 9:00am if the pool was open and its like, nope.
So after she went to bed at 3:00am Saturday night, she woke up at 8:00am on Sunday. I was on little sleep for the fact that she slept smack dab in the middle of the bed! So we ran into town to go to the grocery store and all that fun stuff. After that we came home and got ready and headed to the pool. :) Gaia was down there from 1:30-4:00....it was a long day! I got a break from 4-6pm though, which was nice for me.
Today Gaia went to Tennis camp again and I went down to the pool at 2:00 to swim by myself and have some me time, if you know what I mean. ;) I met up with a friend of mine down there and she stayed until 5:00. Then Gaia turned around and came down soon after. Of course, Morgan was down at the pool. OH before this, Morgan was trying to get me to do a pike jump, toe-touch into a dive. LOL Out of 7 tries ONCE I got close. ;) I quit after 7, lol. Of course too there's like a wasp nest by the diving board, and stupid things were out harassing me. LOL Ugh!
So anyways, Gaia is really wanting to go swim at Morgan's house again this year. Well my mom was like she can go only if you stay with her and I had e-mailed Morgan through facebook about it last night and I talked to her today about it. But its a wait and see, but Gaia told me tonight she didn't want to go to camp Thursday. So whatever, we'll see what happens. So anyways, when Morgan was trying to leave, Gaia didn't want her to go and jumped up and wrapped herself around her waist and leg and I am standing there like, oh my gosh! Its like the poor girl is trying to leave!
So its Saturday....Gaia is coming today. Well they are finally in North Carolina and about 2.5 hours away. I'm so glad I knew before I went swimming that she wasn't going to be back in time. But she'll be here for the week and soon enough I will be counting down the days until she's back in Ohio. ;) hahaha
So it was either adult swim or getting close to it. Jen was trying to get me to work on Butterfly and its like no! LOL Well before that she said something to Morgan and I think it was about if I showed her the day before and she was like I had her do 2 laps. Ugh so adult swim her and Natalie both were trying to get me to do it and one point we were going to race and its like HOW THE HELL WILL THAT BE FAIR?! LOL I gave up half-way through the first lap, lol!
I called it all getting a swim lesson, lol! I needed to have kept my mouth shut about never having lessons! =p Butterfly is just a mental thing with me as to why I won't do it. But as I have said, I have made more progress with it since I moved here. LOL 3 or 4 years ago I wouldn't have tried it and it took many weeks of convincing to get me to do it.
So this afternoon I went back and ugh the water was cold. I went over to the diving board after Alexa got on the stand, because of Danny and Allyson acting up and being stupid. Oh get this, I asked if I could a back dive and got the OK to do it. Well I did it and came up and Alexa was like I thought you were going to back flop and its like huh?! Apparently when I did, I dunno if I do it everytime, but I went straight back and arched at the very end. I have never back flopped since the first time I tried it by myself the first time ever. She said it was cool to see, but I have never been told that before.
So tomorrow is when Gaia comes into town....can anyone just shoot me now???? I dunno why my parents think we need a fricken DVD player in every car, but thats this new kick they are on and I think its a waste of $$. Well they tell me I am jealous of it all the time and its like you dunno how wrong you are.
They keep this shit up, they will be entertaining her on their own.
So yesterday, after getting a nice e-mail Jen about my butterfly...lol to make a long story short, I had sent her an e-mail saying she missed it and she was at the pool when I went back! LOL Anyways!!!! It was cool here, but it was like near 80, so I went for a little bit. I walked in and Jen was like show Morgan your butterfly and its like what the heck?! Why?! LOL I look like a drowning rat, well not that bad now, but still. Of course Morgan was waiting to see it, lol and I did it short-ways and she was like now go do 2 laps of it. I was like WHAT?! I wanted to smack my head on the side of the pool at that moment. I did it anyways, even though by the end of the 2nd lap I was ready to just go under and never come back up! LOL My arms are still hurting from this.
So yes I survived doing 2 laps of it, but yet I am not saying I did that to Jen or she will have me do it again! NO THANK YOU!!! Karissa, this girl that is here visiting, we finally got to dive off the diving board the day before yesterday and I was like if I do this, you have to go dive off the board and she was like thats not the lifeguard that was here yesterday and I was like no its her sister and she's worse! LOL =p She didn't dive off the board, but she did go off the side. :o)
Karissa tends to do this where she starts to dive and turns around and does it as a pencil. Well to be funny I did that off the diving board, except it wasn't too funny when I got yelled at for doing it! OOPSY! LOL
So anyways, thats it. :) I am going to enjoy this final day of no 7.5 year old pulling me around. LOL Later!
Ok so I am like so tired from the past 2 days. Swimming, and yet the weather is going to turn crappy tomorrow again. :( Oh well, as long as its decent when Gaia's here. ;)
Marci this next part is for you to read.....I am finally putting 1 and 2 together with the Butterfly stroke, still don't have it right, but I finally am getting the kicking part right, have the arms right, can put them together, its doing the 2 together and doing them the correct way. Does that make sense?! I have no clue what I am doing wrong still, but at least I am trying. I still have the flashbacks of my step-cousin pushing me down and holding me under, but its MENTAL more than anything. (the fear that is) But its a hell of a lot more than I was doing 3 years ago, or 2 years ago, whenever it was. LOL
But there's another part to that whole thing also, but I am not going there. I was talking to some one I went to middle and high school with and she was telling me that some one we went to HS with died of cancer. I was shocked to hear that! We were talking about a group in Columbus performing "Rent" and mentioned one of the songs and that it was played at his funeral. (I'll Cover You Reprise) It was sad to hear that, and knowing now who he married, I knew the last name and such, but she said they got married 4 months before he passed away. So sad.
Well thats it. :) Saturday Gaia comes....how many more days till Saturday....2????
So this weekend, Gaia is coming for her yearly visit with my parents. =o) She's going to be doing a Tennis camp when she's here from 12:30-4:00 Monday-Thursday, with Friday being a make-up day if it rains. There's a girl that Gaia knows from last summer thats doing the same camp. LOL So it will be nice, if she likes it. The other thing I wanted to do was take her to go paint pottery at Colors N Clay, so that if we do it will be Friday or Saturday. I am YES looking forward to her visiting, but its like a brace yourself situation. She can be as sweet as a daisy, but as mean as a bumble bee. It takes so much out of me when she's here too and this year if she mouths off or something, she'll be sent home.
Stay safe tonight. Later!
So Kate and I hung out, talked, swam and such. I swam probably a total of an hour and 15 minutes....maybe just an hour. I hate being out in that sun at that early hour. So I really wanted to go see Peanut (Kate's new kitty) and they were having Chinese for lunch and that sounded really good. LOL So I went over to see the kitty, and she's as cute as ever. :) I was going to stay, but I really wanted to go home and rest.
So on my way home, I got a phone call from my mom asking me where I was. I was like I am almost to the front gate, why? Thinking she was going to have me pick up the mail or whatever. No she called to tell me my aunt that lives here has her two grandsons and they asked if I was going to be up at the pool. So Cole's lesson got done at 2:30 and it was already about 2:30 when I was passing by the pool. No point in me going home.
So I grabbed my stuff and towel and started walking in and looked down and saw I forgot the keys to the golf cart, so I had to walk back to get them! I would loose my head if it wasn't attached, I swear. So again I walked in, I am sure the lifeguards were sick of me coming and going by that point! ;)
So Cole and Chandler jumped in the pool and my gosh have these two ever grown. :o) I can't believe Chandler is 13 now, I still remember when he was a baby! Cole didn't like the pool on this side because of not being able to touch in many places. :( It was funny, Chandler and I were over on the diving-board and Morgan was on the stand giving us suggestions on what to do. Chandler asked me what he should do and Morgan said something, I suggested something too. I was like who are you going to listen to your flesh and blood or the lifeguard?! LOL That got Morgan, I was like he's my cousin. LOL She told him not to listen to me and its like Chandler don't worry I know her, LOL.
So finally at 5:00 I left for home for the final time, with no turning back. ;) LOL I am tired from swimming on and off all day. It was great seeing my cousins and aunt down there. =) I found out Corey and Jade are naming their girl Cailyn Jade and going to call her Caylie for a nickname. Jade is due the 11th and then Tiffany and Tommy's girl will be named Kathleen Paige and going to call her Kate, and she's due Aug 14th. Two granddaughters for my aunt and uncle who have all boys! Woohoo!
I am off here. My poor foot is still SORE from cutting it on the diving board on Monday. =o( Ugh! Night!