Well "Plain of Life" (its the song title) was a journal entry that Deora wrote when she was in 7th grade and I am not 100% sure of this but I do believe you can hear this being read on "United 93" special features section with Deora's family and friends. Well anyways, its about her dying in a plane crash and like what she sees when she's being lifted from the crash site.
Well Greg sent me the finished song and I couldn't believe how beautiful it was and that its just amazing to me that she wrote that and its how her life ended. I was in tears listening to it, lets put it that way. It left me speechless, lets put it that way. My life has been forever changed by all of this and I am glad it has happened to me. I wouldn't change the past 2 months for the world. =o)
So I wanted to post about that. =o) I am sitting here about to go out and enjoy this beautiful weather we are having while it lasts! hehehe =o)
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