That's it for the time. What a rough few days it has been. I am babysitting KoKo at the moment and waiting for my grandparents to bring over some more left-overs and peanut butter brownies....yum! TTYL! Keep my uncle's family in your prayers.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
In Gastonia for 2 weeks....
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Lets go Buckeyes!

Thursday, November 13, 2008
"Plain of Life" and Gaia's G

Hello Everyone!

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Trip to Gastonia Yesterday...
So we got there before noon and stopped at my aunt's house and the ever so wound up KoKo was excited to see us. He's gotten so big and he's so cute! I went to take him out so he could go to the bathroom and the little snot laid on the deck and whined because my aunt didn't come with us. LOL So after we got him pottied and such we went to my grandparents and my uncle and lil cousin were there. My grandpa was throwing a fit over us getting into the cookies, and I didn't even have ONE, but Cameron had about a dozen if you ask me. I dunno! He even took a handful out the door with him! :smacks head:
So we went out for Chinese, which was great because the place we have nearby here isn't all that great and it tasted great! =o) So after that we drugged my aunt and grandma to Target to get them out and walking. I swear my grandma is getting slower and slower with walking. Its terrible! :o( So again Target is enjoyment because we don't have that here and it was nice. =o)
So after that, my mom dropped my aunt and I off back at her house and I spent time there doing so vacuuming and such. Except I did most of it not knowing the stupid handle adjusted to different heights!!!!!!! UGH! I swear I am going get my aunt a foam finger for x-mas! I wanted to smack her for pointing out every little piece of this and that I missed! So KoKo wouldn't put on a show for me, the little snot! LOL He did show me how much he "loves" the blow-dryer, that was hilarious! I caught it all on video too! hahaha!
I need to stick with getting ahold of some one in ONE WAY. Because I forgot I texted Debby about "Plain of Life" and I found out the answer to my question anyways, but she called me yesterday to answer it for me! LOL I was like you answered it for me already! LOL :smacks head: Ugh to bugging that poor lady way too much! =o)
So thats it! I am off here to actually get myself dressed and such! =o)
Friday, November 7, 2008
"Plain of Life"

Well "Plain of Life" (its the song title) was a journal entry that Deora wrote when she was in 7th grade and I am not 100% sure of this but I do believe you can hear this being read on "United 93" special features section with Deora's family and friends. Well anyways, its about her dying in a plane crash and like what she sees when she's being lifted from the crash site.
Well Greg sent me the finished song and I couldn't believe how beautiful it was and that its just amazing to me that she wrote that and its how her life ended. I was in tears listening to it, lets put it that way. It left me speechless, lets put it that way. My life has been forever changed by all of this and I am glad it has happened to me. I wouldn't change the past 2 months for the world. =o)
So I wanted to post about that. =o) I am sitting here about to go out and enjoy this beautiful weather we are having while it lasts! hehehe =o)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Some of the painted pottery!
So after Michael's we went back to Kate's house and ate dinner there. Yum for mac and cheese and chicken! :o) I got to meet her aunt too, and it was great! =o)
So thats it for now. Next Wednesday it will be back out to get the newest set of pottery! HAH!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
My butterfly made its landing in Pa!