Friday, May 23, 2008


Marci- there's the flowers I planted. :) They look a little more lively now, but there ya go. :o)

Memorial Day weekend is here. :) Thank goodness for summer and having something to do after working. ;) hah Except tomorrow its suppose to be only 71, I say I will be staying home and waiting for my grandma and dad to get back. Yay for her coming for a visit. Hopefully she will be leaving healthy this time unlike the last few times she has been here.

Ugh watching a thing on OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) on Oprah gave what everyone procieves it to be. Where people who have it are all like the people she had on her show. And its not! I was diagnosed with that and ADHD when I was 9 years old and when people hear you have OCD, they look at you like you are nuts and assume that you wash your hands at every waking moment. Thats the extreme that some people (not all) go with having this problem. If you let it get to your head, it will control your life. Everyone has OCD in them, just others have it to where it can control their life or where they need some help with it. I am on medication still for it, but I don't always take it and I don't feel any different. People have got to stop seeing it as a one way diease, because its not. The people on Oprah were the extreme. I am not afraid to touch dirt, touch a tiolet, touch weird looking food or eat it, etc. Ugh!

Well anyways, I am off here. That was my sort of vent for the day. I am looking for a movie to watch tonight, any suggestions? ;)

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