Monday, April 21, 2008

The latest drama....

It was so beautiful last week....Sadie and I sat outside many days in the yard like this. Of course the little nut wouldn't look at the camera! I never can get a picture of her face!

Ok everyone sitting down, or wait you may want to stand up for this or be near a bathroom....because look at the latest from the saga of my brother's ex!

My brother has talked about the plans for this summer with my niece. He gets her 3 weeks during the summer and 2 of them will be spent here, well one at the beach and one here. So the other week he talked about me coming up and we taking Gaia to Cedar Point (amusement park in Ohio) and he said something about a place called Magic Mountain. So apparently Gaia knows of this and told her mom. Well get this; here's what she said to it, "YOUR DADDY IS A THIEF! THAT WAS MOMMY'S IDEA!" (something like that) I about fell over laughing when my mom told me this. Its like no he's not a thief, he just has the same idea! Well I was like ya know, our trip to CP will be better. I swear his ex is a NUT CASE! She needs mental help!

Anyways theres my post for the day. :)

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