Well I am now at the 80lb mark, but here's 4 pictures of my weight loss so far. Quite the change between 50, 60 & 75 pounds wouldn't you say?
Yeah I know what you are thinking, it's all about some girl who was in the musical Wicked and I don't care for musical theater or anything of that sort. Well this book isn't like any other one you will read in the memoir department.
I began reading her blog "Unnaturally Green" in March of 2010 and was thrilled when she announced she was putting all of this into a book. After 3 very long weeks of waiting for my copy to come in the mail (and if the book could literally talk; it would've had its own story to tell about getting to me) it was a book I couldn't put down and finished in 3 days! I actually fell asleep reading it the first night.
The book takes you on Felicia's journey of auditioning for the lead role in the mega-hit musical Wicked to the closing night in San Francisco and what the future may hold for this talented young lady. From her first memorable flight in "Defying Gravity" until the curtain came down the final time. You will laugh, you will cry, but you will mostly laugh while reading this. There was a particular part in the book that touched me deeply and probably the most tearful part of the book in my opinion. I would highly recommend this for anyone who is or isn't a musical fan.
To Felicia (if you read this): Thanks for writing this and making me, my mom and my aunt laugh. I know I will never forget your run in San Francisco...partly because I was 3,000 miles away but yet brought you all sorts of luck in whenever I saw the show over my way, you went on as Elphaba...your good luck charm. ;) Plus you made your debut 2 days after my birthday. ;) I hope I am lucky enough to see you in the role one day and hope too that you continue to write. Would buy anything you write, that's how amazing you are! :)
If you like to purchase the book...go to http://www.amazon.com/Unnaturally-Green-journey-yellow-traveled/dp/0615533337/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top and please follow Felicia's Blog's http://unnaturallygreen.blogspot.com/ and http://fivetrickpony.blogspot.com/. Follow her on Twitter also @FeliciaRicci! Thanks for reading!
What a weekend October 14 & 15 was! I got to see Richmond, VA again for the first time since moving from there years ago and also see the 2nd National Tour of Wicked! :)
It was so weird driving by our old house in Chesterfield, VA and seeing how much our old street had built up. There were quite a few more houses on the street than when we lived there. After a quick trip down memory lane that was living there we headed off to Richmond.
I didn't have tickets for Friday night's show (14th) and so the plan was to meet up with two pals before the show for the infamous lottery. Which I had a zero success rate at that point, but there were 5 us putting names in and only needed one draw. :) Then the waiting began to see if one of us would be drawn. And it came down to the final 3 tickets, one pull was for some one whose daughter had be drawn and so they dug back in for another name. And they drew my name! Yes I can actually say I won the Wicked lottery! :D Melanie and I had seats in the 2nd row, and hell they could've been on the roof for all I care, but I was seeing the show! :)
After little sleep on Friday night, Saturday was back to the theater for rounds 2 and 3! I had tickets for both shows, but was still helping with lottery for other people. This time was for Jonathan and his grandma and mom plus Melanie to see the show for the matinee, so this time we needed two draws. Dana was lucky #3 drawn; she was also drawn the night before but we didn't need the ticket; and I was the 3rd to last drawn! Yes I again won the lottery! Exciting stuff! :) Between shows some of us got together for dinner, but before that it was lottery again and one of us was drawn for a ticket for Melanie and her pal to go see the show, but more than half of our group was drawn for the night lottery. That day/night I met up with Laura and her friend Teddy, also Samantha and her family came to dinner with us. Her son is the cutest little thing! Samantha and I hung out Saturday night, our seats were in the same section and a few rows apart. Always is fun meeting up with other fans of the show. :)
So onto the performances! All 3 were stellar on the entire cast's part. I did see some understudies; Daniel Torres and Michael McCorry-Rose as Fiyero, Jeremy Duvall as Witch's Father & Don Richard as the Wizard.
Anne Brummel - I saw her in Charlotte in 2010 when she was the standby and ironically during her first 8 show week. All I can say, I thought she was amazing over a year ago, but she was mind blowing in Richmond! What a difference a year can make when performing a role. Her "Wizard and I" continues to be one of my favorites and she was the one that made me start like the song. I finally got to hear her famous "Defying Gravity" growl, not once but twice! So amazing! When she takes flight, her "It's Me" just will send chills down your spine. "No Good Deed" was also amazing.
Anne & I after on 10/14.
I was amazed she remembered me from Charlotte, well partly because I have changed just a tad bit. So so sweet and her comment "You're so tiny!" was one of my highlights. :)
Tiffany Haas - There was something about the way she said her lines when she first came down at the beginning of the show, just told me she was going be amazing in the role of Glinda. She is so full of energy onstage. Having only just joined the cast a few weeks ago as lead Glinda (she was u/s and ensemble before) she had had already developed great chemistry with the cast. Her "Popular" was just flat out hilarious! Her toss-toss she does this limbo action. It was comical watching Anne mimic it. She plays both the ditzy and serious roles to Glinda very well.
Tiffany & I on 10/14.
She's seriously one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. Her family was at the show Friday night and we waited probably 30-45 minutes for her to come out, but she didn't hurry off or anything and took her time talking with us. She loved her gift I gave her.
Daniel Torres/Michael McCorry-Rose - These two played Fiyero, Daniel was on Friday night and Michael was on Saturday both shows. I really was left wondering how good David Nathan Perlow was in the role. These two were amazing for only being understudies. I was just amazed how at they both not only sang but dance and over-all performed. I never get to see understudies and this was great getting to see two of them for the same role. I got to meet Michael after the show on Saturday night and he was super nice.
Dan Pacheco - Ah Boq...I had only ever seen Zach Hanna on the 2nd tour, but Dan reminded me a little of him vocally, but was wonderful in the role. Great chemistry with both Tiffany and Emily, with Emily being new to the cast, they had already developed great chemistry. The only thing different was no one laughed when Dan said certain line that had always gotten a giggle, but I still found myself giggling.
Dan & I on 10/15
He's a sweetie and was fun to talk to even with 9,000 people outside.
Emily Ferranti - My 2nd blonde Nessa and first "new" one with the 2nd national tour. I had a hard time liking her on Friday night and then Saturday it was like she stepped right into the role over-night and was amazing. She's not as mean as some of the past Nessa's I have seen, but brought different things to the role than the past other's I have seen. For only being with this cast for such a short period of time, she had developed great chemistry with the cast.
So sweet and didn't get "mad" for me not realizing she played Nessa after the matinee. haha I happy I caught her after the night show after a bad picture on my part after the matinee. She was fun to talk to and had asked who else I had seen in the role on tour 2 and of course my first blonde Nessa was on tour 2 also. :)
Don Amendoila - He's my most seen Wizard and was again amazing in the role. Seems to be getting tired of playing it, but still 2/3 performances I got to see of him in the role, they were each a little different. And that's what I have enjoyed the most about seeing him in the role, he's never the same each time I see him. I also saw Don Richard in the role Saturday night and he was another hole can of worms you can say. So different from Don and a little more crazier, but again it was great seeing two different actor's in the part.
Don & I 10/14
After seeing him in the role 5 times, I finally got to meet him! :)
Jody Gelb - I had heard wonderful things about her in the role of Morrible from those who saw her in San Francisco. I was excited that I got the chance to see her in the role and she was wonderful! She's not as angry as my previous 2nd tour Morrible I had seen, but wow I was just amazed at how great she was.
She's been through so much since coming back to Wicked and she, like Tiffany, had family/friends at the show, but took time with us at the door. Such a sweet lady and after having talked to her for so long before meeting her, it was like talking to an old friend.
The Ensemble - The 2nd tour's continues to be my favorite! They are such an amazing and talented group of performer's. Without them there wouldn't be a show to see, if you ask me. It continues to peeve me when people say they are nobody's and I found myself saying very loudly Friday night that they weren't and they are the best one out there! :) Which some of them heard me say that! :)
She's one of the few remaining cast I first ever saw with Wicked. I glad I didn't hesitate to say hi to her. Such a sweetie. She asked about my 2nd tour button I was wearing and where I got it, and I wound up giving it to her Saturday night to keep. :)
He was the witch's father on Saturday night and took a spill during the corn field scene hince the ice packs in his hands. Very nice and I was surprised he stopped, but it was great getting to meet him. :)
Lindsay Wood & I 10/15
She's actually a swing in the show who covers multiple ensemble tracks. I have seen her in the ensemble I believe each time I have seen the 2nd tour. She was out collecting money for Broadway Cares and allowed me to have a poster after not getting one the night before. Such a sweetie and tiny too. :)
Samantha's Tattoo - My pal Samantha has this amazing tattoo and she gets pictures with each Elphaba she has seen and met. She hadn't done it with Anne, even though she has seen Anne before in the role. I was excited about this and this thing is amazing in person! Well the shock came from not Anne, but from Ryan Jackson who's in the ensemble! Many of the cast members caught a glimpse of it and so did the many people at the door, but Ryan's reaction was completely priceless as you see in the below picture.
Anne & Courtney Iventosch (ensemble)
Ryan's Reaction...can't tell you how hard we were all laughing!