Saturday, November 27, 2010

November Flew By!

I can't believe December starts next week! Wow where has the time gone?! ;)

So November has flown by. My weight loss has progressed very very very well. I am down 18.2 pounds as of today and still going! My goal was to be 20 pounds down by the time we leave for Florida and I only have 2 more to go! :-) So exciting!! :)

Thanksgiving we spent in Gastonia at my aunt's house with our family. Grandpa looked good and was alive and well kicking! Both of my grandparents could tell I had lost weight and was shocked to hear how much! :) My uncle's mom, my grandma Lay, joined us also. 91 years old and doing wonderfully! :) KoKo was just as wacky and nutty when I am there visiting. I took him for a walk and we had to stop 100001 times for him. HAH! He got so mad when I didn't take him the 2nd time and was howling and whining at the door while I was gone. Dinner was fabulous and I watched my intake, but enjoyed every piece of food that there was! :)

So oddly enough I got more of my Wicked mail back this month. Still got a list of some out, but this weekend's ones have a funny story. I got a letter back from Jackie Burns (Wicked First Tour) and I saw the envelope and it was stamped from New York and I was like oh its gotta be from one of the 3 I am waiting for that aren't with the show anymore. I looked and thought of who it was, but looked inside and found the pictures I sent to be signed weren't there. Wasn't until I opened it that I saw it was from Jackie! hahaha Oh yeah, I forgot what I said exactly about me working on my picture taking; but she said it would be bad if she had to fire me a 2nd time. Just wait till I see her in Wicked or another show, I want to mess up big time just to throw her off! ;) Then the 2nd one, I was aware it could be coming, but wasn't sure, but my friend informed me she got her's this week so I was like ok mine was in that same envelope! ;) It took me all day to read the durn letter too, for whatever reason. But I opened it; it came from Libby Servais (Wicked San Francisco/2nd Tour); and I started giggling cause the paper clip I used to attach my letter to the SASE came back! This has happened once before, but I giggled at it happening again. ;) She's such a sweetie, I got her u/s slip from San Francisco too signed! Ah! That was a surprise for me! :) So all of this stuff got put into my ever epanding scrapbook! Wow it keeps growing and growing! :)

So that's it. December I hope flies by and the next thing I know it will be time to go to Florida! Oh yeah, cannot wait!!! :)