2009 is QUICKLY coming to an end and its hard to believe. It seems like it was January and I was sitting watching TV and there was a blanket of snow on the ground and we were getting a new president.
So Christmas was great. It started on Christmas Eve, as it always does in my family. I open an ornament each year in the morning, this year it was a Text Addict Cell Phone ornament. Very cute, but I don't see myself as an addict. hahaha So that day I baked cupcakes for dessert for dinner that night. I helped my aunt clean the house and she got the dog bathed and such.
So that night we did my mom's family Christmas. My earrings were the big present over-all. =) I love them, but I am beginning to hate cleaning them twice a day. Arg! I also got money and won $5 on a lotto scratch-off. =o) So we headed home that same day. I got home and Christmas Day night spent it over at Kate's house. Her and her parents do so much for me. :) I got a shaw to wear at my next Broadway show to keep warm from them, I love it! :)
Jeremy and Gaia didn't come until Sunday afternoon. They stopped in Charlotte for a visit and then came here. Gaia got a metal detector from Santa and that was the big thing at first. ;) We got around to doing our family Christmas. My bigs were I got 5 books (8 including Marci's set), Veera Bradly purse and wallet, 1 hour massage and a sewing machine! :) I also got clothes, Wii games, Wii points card to download games, fabric to make stuff, blue tooth ear piece for my phone, calendar, soduku puzzles, Grey's Anatomy 4 and 5, Ghost Whisperer 4, Harry Potter 6, Enchanted, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Gaia was here till today. She probably played on the Wii for 4 hours each day. She really loved the Super Mario game I got. She had her meltdowns also and a HUGE one yesterday with my mom that turned into a full-out fight with all of us. IT IS disturbing to hear Gaia say if she goes home and says something bad happen to her mom, she'll get a treat. I was like I hope you don't do that, but I can't believe she said that to me. She clung to me yesterday because of my mom and dad.
So thats it for 2009. Happy New Year!!!!!