Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I love my dad's idea!!!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!
Look I have reddening tomatoes!!!!!!! I have about 5 of them at the moment on the four plants. ;)
Happy Father's Day to all of the fathers out there. A special shout-out to my grandpa, dad and my brother who are all celebrating the day. My dad is watching golf and I am sure my grandpa is too. :) My brother got Gaia for part of the day.
So this weekend it was like near 100 on Saturday and in the 90's today with no relief insight. Well I take that back, today there was a breeze and when you got out of the pool, that air hit you right, it gave you a cold chill. If that is even possible! ;)
I could've just smacked Ashlyn for this today, but I was swimming around the pool and I swore I heard my name be called, but went under like seconds later and didn't hear it again. So I was being a motivator for my neighbor down the street and trying to get her to swim across the pool in one breath short-ways. ;) It was then I heard Morgan say my name, and I had water in my ears and there were a bunch of people there and so I couldn't hear her. She said she had heard about my belly-flop the other day and I was like Ashlyn you have a big mouth!!!! LOL (I know it was her that told Morgan, because Ashlyn was on the stand when I did it) So they were begging me to do one and I was like, omg I will, but Morgan was leaving in like minutes and its like something happens u have to jump in! ;) Well it HURT worse than the last time I did it. Ugh and plus like my chest smacked more than my stomach and I couldn't catch my breath at first and coughing makes me think to breath after I can.
Morgan I hope you went to your interview happy after that! ;)
So to top that off, I did something to my knee on the diving board too. Ugh I wasn't my day!
So thats it. Marci sorry I missed your call earlier.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Here comes the heat!!!!!
I am really beginning to hate living in a small town. I am not going into detail about why, but it just pisses me off that everyone is so nosey around here about every little thing they here about you or some one else. Its none of their damn business for one thing. Ugh, another thing, if you are going repeat something, you need to get it right or say NOTHING!
Oh yeah I forgot to mention in my last post, on my way back to NC, my aunt and I passed just southwest of Pittsburgh and I saw the exit to head toward Somerset, where the Flight 93 memorial is. Then looking at a map of where the plane crashed, was when I realized how close we were to it. We were stretched for time, but I was that close! Can you believe it?! Ugh! I will get there one of these days! LOL
Thats it! Till next time...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Home From Ohio!
Other than that, my trip to Cedar Point was great! :) The other rides I had no problems getting on! LOL My favorite ride there is still Magnum, that ride celebrated 20 years this summer. I rode it 10 years ago when it was 10 years old. Raptor is another favorite, the drop tower (both you shoot up and the other is like Superman at Six Flags), Mavarick we didn't get to go on last year and that was a fun one. It was just TTD that I got sick on. Weird....
So I got some cute pictures of her for my aunt to have made and we had some made at Wal-Mart for her to send to family and such.
So I am home! :) Happy to be home, too!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Ohio Trip

So got Gaia a pair of dry shoes and went over to see my brother. We then went over to my aunt's to drop Sadie off and finally see the new puppy, Angel. This puppy is so adorable! Poor Sadie wanted absolutely nothing to do with her. Its like dog, only if you knew what you were like when you were that age! LOL Gaia had a great time playing with Angel, too. :)
So after all of that, we went to our favorite pizza place in Columbus. :Rolls Eyes: Its the only thing I swear my parents go to Ohio for anymore, minus visiting family. ;) My mom's sister and her husband (aunt and uncle) met us over there for dinner. My aunt is hilarious, she's trying to talk my mom into taking me to American Girl Place for my 30th birthday. :rolls eyes: I love my Samantha and Nellie, don't need to see the store, those two don't even exist there anymore. So dinner was great.
Saturday morning my wake-up call was Angel's howling for being put into her cage while my aunt was taking her shower. 6:30am! Lovely! So we met my parents, brother, brother's g/f, grandma, and niece over at Bob Evan's in Hilliard. Great way to start the day. I love eatting there for breakfast. Gaia had to be at her thing before noon to get her leotard on and such. Well I took the time and fixed her hair the "special" way for performances and ugh, her mother took it out and did it her way. That just pissed me off. She told Gaia to tell me that it was coming out, well no it wasn't you made it came out!
So afterwards, I wanted to go find my old coach, just to say hi and such. I didn't want to go by myself and Elise nor her brother would come with me. LOL So I walked up like I was going to leave and saw her and waited for her to get a moment where she wasn't doing anything. The whole time I was thinking about what to say! LOL Well go ahead and throw the thoughts that came to mind out the window, when she saw me, she remembered who I was. Which was shocking to me, because it has been 12-13 years since I saw her, been in that gym, etc! It was just shockinly over-welming in a sense. =o) It was great, though. The owner remembered me after he heard my name and put it to my face. ;) His daughter and I took classes together also, who was there too. ;) Meghan didn't even look like the Meghan I knew back then. It was shocking to hear to about Jamie's daugther's and how old they are now. They were little-little when I was there. I told her too that my niece was now taking lessons there and its like yeah she's taking after her aunt. ;) LOL I finally got Gaia to come over to me, and was like this was my coach when I came here. Her eyes were as big as saucers when she heard that and put a face to it. LOL It was that look of, "Oh, ok. That makes you really old!" LOL Its like too, you were lucky Gaia you got a trophy and a medal, all we got back then were ribbons and a certificate! Only got the medal and trophies when you competed! hahaha