Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Oh my gosh.......
Monday, March 30, 2009
Oh my goodness...
So I went and sat in the room and no one was there yet. Its like OK what is going on. So for the 10 minutes that I had to pass the time away, I texted my friend Brittney that lost Gracie. And quiet as a mouse! LOL The only thing you heard was my phone going off. Its like I need to leave at 10 till and get there right before, but I am always early! I WAS TEN MINUTES EARLY FOR MY MASSAGE TOO! =p
Anyways before I ramble even more! LOL Having a private class was fun, yes and different. I haven't had it before. LOL So we did learn some new stuff, but trust me if I am not alone I don't run my mouth. I dunno whats wrong with me. So anyways, like I said a few posts back, I don't get stretch with this one move on the ball and so she taught me a new one to do. Of course I was the lucky one to get to try this for the first time SINCE then. LOL It was different from the last time I did it, I tell you that much! LOL =p We held for more than a couple of seconds, and my right hip kept getting crampy and I held out for it, but it hurt. So I we held it for like a minute or so. Its not comfy at the moment for me, it was my 1st time holding that position really. After each side it was really hard to get up too. But it does the stretch which is great!
So tomorrow is dance! Yippee! I think! LOL And Sharon's birthday is tomorrow! I have 2 pieces of Swiss Chocolate for her tomorrow! hehehe :)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
What a day.....
Saturday, March 28, 2009
It was a Happy Birthday until....
Thats the keychain my brought back from France. Isn't it cool?! Its now dangling from my purse. But yeah she stayed in a hotel in France and then crossed over to Switzerland each day for the meetings. Weird, eh?!
Well I am officially 28 years old. Was at 11:10am this morning. I weighed 8lb and 18 inches long 28 years ago. Wow! LOL
I want to thank Kate and Marci and Sarah for their birthday wishes and all of my family. This is sad to say though, those 3 friends were the only people I heard from and I got the same excuse as I got last year as to why they forgot and it has to do with BJ's passing. :rolls eyes: Oh well, I know who are my friends now, apparently.
So the funny part today was I got out the wonderful swiss chocolate my brought home and put 5 pieces on the cake. (one for all of us) I came back upstairs and found one piece missing and $20 in its place. My dad took a piece and left a $20 tip I guess! LOL Instead of having the same old cake, I asked my mom to make a 2 layer yellow cake with chocolate icing. It was dilicous! LOL A 1/8 sheet cake is now $10.99 at the place I like! We got all of the ingredients for $3 for this cake. Made out a-ok. ;)
I have one thing to say about BJ and his passing, HE WAS NOT JUST A DOG! He was part of our family for 14 years and its a difficult time because yes this week marked one year that I found out, and tomorrow marks one year since he passed. I was very close to this cocker, and I miss him daily. I did not deserve to have that said to me. When anyone that knows about BJ knows that he wasn't just a dog. My aunt couldn't have kids and that was her baby. I don't see my pets as just what they are, they are part of my family and my life.
So tomorrow will be a long day. My aunt asked KoKo where I was when I was on the phone tonight and he use to go running to my room at their house, but now he knows I am on the phone and he starts attacking the phone! Its hilarious! I love hearing him bat at the phone and get all excited about it.
Well thats it. The day started on a good note and ended on a bad one thanks to some one's comment.
Friday, March 27, 2009
I am 28 tomorrow!!!!!!
As I said I am taking random pictures just to have a picture to post on here. :)
So how do I feel the day after? I still feel relaxed, minus my one arm is spasming for some odd reason. My aunt was like its probably from the massage and the muscles being worked out and such. Its been in my wrist, hand, upper arm and front and back of my shoulder. Its weird. I ain't complaining though. I wouldn't trade yesterday for anything! :)
So today my dad had to go get my mom at the airport and spent the day up in Raleigh basically. So I was home alone, bored to death and it was raining on and off all day and just crappy! So I called Kate to see what she was doing and to see if she wanted to rescue me from the boredom and we went out and did errands and hung out. It was great. =) I haven't seen her in a week or more! We haven't decided what we are going to do about my birthday, but I was like I can't do it tomorrow cause of being with family. Hell if I couldn't do my damn massage tomorrow, I am thinking I can't do anything! lol
So after that I came home and waited for my grandma and aunt to get in. I drove up to the end of the road we live off of cause it was raining on and off. So I entertained them while we waited for my parents to get home. =o) My mom brought me home Swiss chocolate, YUM! She found a really cool keychain in France too and found one in Switzerland too. =) Woohoo! More keychains for my ever growing collection! HAH!
So I went and walked with my parents and dog. It started raining while we were walking. Hah! The luck we have! My grandma said she was staying for a month, but after she learns the news about my dad, who knows what is going to happen there. :shrugs:
So apparently at the moment my mom is going to put out the other part of the $$ for me to do 10 classes in April, but I am trying to talk her into the 15 classes so I can still do Dance! We shall see. I gotta figure this out still. Its going to start with Pilates on the 1st, thats all I know. I am going to ask about trying Pilates Reformer too maybe one day this month too, subsitute for the ball class. I can still make-up the cancelled ball class, but I want to try the reformer one time. 10 classes is going to go a long way! hahaha =p
So thats it! At 11:10am EST tomorrow I officially will be 28 years old! Yikes!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The massage was A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!!
Next time I update....I will have had this massage.....can't wait....I think.....
It's now almost 5:00 and yeah I have been home for awhile...but here is how it was....
So yeah my nerves were on a high about this, cause it was something I have never done before! LOL So I got there about 10 minutes early, I usually get there for the classes that early anyways. So no one was there at the desk or in the waiting area, so I just sat down and waited. Well the one who was doing my massage was waiting on some one who was before me, heard me come in and I just waited as I said. LOL Of course I had to fill out more paperwork, but it was different paper work this time. ;) Basically it was information she knew already cause of my medical history, so that was it. I knew it wouldn't be a problem anyways.
So I went back to the room and just basically asked me a few questions and told me to go ahead and get undressed down to everything but my underwear, oh trust me they weren't coming off! LOL So it took me only like a minute to do that part and so I got up on the table and covered myself and waited for her to come back in. Of course the first time I got up there, my head was hanging off the table so I had to readjust myself and the funny part was this thing they have that goes under your knees wound up exactly under my knees anyways. Which I knew would happen being so darn short! =p Did I mention that table was very comfortable! LOL
So she came back in. Again telling me to let her know if I get too hot or cold and if she was doing anything too rough. So under my neck there was a warm towel like thing, but that felt great! It made me relax a little more than I was before I got there. I dunno what it was she put on my eyes, but that made me sleepy. I actually closed my eyes being on my back. LOL =p It was just really relaxing. Eventually I did get a little too warm, and it was getting to me. So off came one layer of the blankets and the towel behind my neck and I think the one that was on my legs.
So the funny part for me was when she took the thing off my eyes to have me turn over that room wasn't all that BRIGHTLY lighted, but woah when that came off it was like blinding! LOL I said my back is where I guess I would want most of the work done. It felt so good. I didn't have many problems with being ticklish, just a few times I jumped! Once was on my feet, it was like some one was taking a feather and it made me jump. Plus when I try to block out the tickle problem, I tense up when they hit a spot and I kept doing that with my legs. But on my neck and around where my arm pits are, she hit two spots and made me jump again. I tried not to jump LITERALLY but couldn't help it. Oh plus I went back to being cold too! LOL I tried not to say anything but I was getting cold chills with the oil she put on and yeah. ;)
So it was awesome! I loved every second of it! =) I tell you this much, it didn't go by as fast as I thought it would. hehehe Its like I am coming back Monday for ball class after this, yikes! It will be a miracle if I go back...just KIDDING! ;) I am for sure going to get me another massage, I can say that much! hehehe ;)
So thats it! Tomorrow mom comes home from England and my grandma and aunt come in too. Woohoo! SATURDAY IS MY BIRTHDAY! ;) LOL
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tomorrow is less than a day away!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ok that is my FAVORITE picture of my friend's daughter Alexis. Look at those big brown eyes!!!!
Ok yesterday was so stress filled. My dad and I were at each other's throats the majority of the day and so he got a new blood pressure thing yesterday and I checked mine and it was 128/102! NO JOKE! I was like holy shit that is high! So panic button mode, I call my aunt who works in the medical field and she was like its up because you are stressed out about your dad and such. Yeah I guess so! So today the good news is that its back down, way down. ;)
Ok I got the shock of my life today when I went on My Space. I have sent a few e-mails to those who are part of the Rent tour, just to say thanks for making my 1st and 2nd trips out so memorable and such. Just to put it out there, not expecting a thing. Well today I got a response back from Justin Johnston, who protrays Angel in the show. I wrote the most rambling e-mail you have ever seen, trying to explain my 1st experience and what I missed about the character he plays. LOL I doubt it made any bit of sense. Do I ever make sense?! ;) Anyways, he wrote me back. It just made my day! Made me smile. :D Thanks Justin! :o)
Anyways I am off here. I gotta eat dinner, then head on out of here for awhile. :) 2 days till my massage...ask me in 24 hours if I am excited....cause right now.....
Sunday, March 22, 2009
This is going to be the week from HELL!!!!
My oh my how I wish it was summer and going to the beach. I swear I keep saying each weekend that my brother has my niece, she never calls and she use to call all of the time. =o(
So my mom picks a great time to go out of the country and leaves me behind with my dad who is driving me up a wall. Every little thing in his head is worst case scenario! That is what scares me and drives me up the wall. I bark back at him because of that and its like what part of too much information don't you understand?! If you are sick or you think something is wrong, go to the doctor tomorrow! GOSH! I am sick of it! I try to tell him what it could be, cause all he has is a runny nose and tired, well for me that would be sinus or allergy problems. Cause everything know to man is in bloom here!
Can you not develop allergies later in life? God stubburn old man!
So this week is out the window frankly because of him. I am thinking of cancelling my massage on Thursday and rescheduling it for next week when I am not having to get on my hands and knees and beg to go. Plus this is also the man that thinks its a waste of money to get one. Yeah well its cause he is always on the recieving end of them!
So I am off to vent in my own world. Later.
Friday, March 20, 2009
I am nervous!!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
So this week is quickly coming to an end. My dad ugh I just want to strangle right now because he's being a dick on and off and I am sick of biting my tounge about what I really think and feel. I am so happy I had my Pilates class this afternoon because it would not have been a good afternoon/evening with him. LOL I am trying to help him find solutions to what might be causing this or that, but all its doing is causing him to yell or bite my head off.
So today I went to Project Linus and hell it was so foggy outside I could barely see 3 feet in front of my face. LOL So no blanket making today, just sewing on the patches and fixing messed up blankets, which there were alot of! LOL Seemed to be the theme today. ;)
So anyways, with me I think with any and everything I learn I am doing it wrong. LOL It feels like that 9o% of the time it seems. ;) So we were going over stuff we had learned before and learning new stuff. And heck with me, the new stuff is what makes me so nervous. LOL But to my amazement I was doing everything correct the first time around and such. I got nervous when her attention then turned to me, but I kept looking at the ceiling and focusing on that, if you know what I mean. ;) LOL
That's it! Later!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Happy St Patrick's Day!
Talk to you all's later!!!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
2 days of hell + some!
So what happened those 3 days?! Well I texted my friends to ask them for support and didn't get it back. =( I don't get some people anymore....Kate was there and I was very thankful for that.
So basically Thursday my dad had a stress test, well the scan of his heart. So we went out to dinner and checked out the new TJ Maxx and in the car on the way home, all my parents could do was joke about him dying during the test the next day. Which I didn't find funny at all! I asked them to stop doing that and apparently joking around was more important to them. So that pissed me off and we all got into a pissing match about it.
So Friday, I kept getting phone calls and texts from my mom and frankly I wanted nothing to do with her or my dad because of the previous night. Well it turned out my dad had to be rushed to the hospital to have a heart cath done. He had a 25-50% blockage, but thankfully he didn't have a heart attack, they caught it before that happened.
So yesterday I was still peeved at my mom and dad. My mom went as far as saying she didn't care about me or anyone. Even went as far as saying she had never cared about me or anything. So, that was so nice to say to some one, right?! Well to top that all off I had to get stuff at the store and can't drive because of my own medical shit going on and so I asked Kate if she was doing anything after she got off work and she said she would do it. No problem, right?!
At about 6:30 last night I was tired of waiting around for Kate to call me, so I texted her and asked where she was. Right, well she worked a double! NICE! Why didn't you call and tell me this a long time ago?! UGH! So I was screwed at that moment, but my mom was like I will take you to the store. Yeah what I wanted to have happened, right. She apologized for being an idiot and such.
So yeah I got what I needed and such, luckily. Kate texted me and said she was going to pick it up for me. Well it didn't matter! Never heard back from her last night either. I seriously I am not depending on anyone until I get my driving privilages back. IT SUCKS! =o(
So thats it. I am tired, hate sinuses....hmmm what will this week hold?! ;)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Winter Temps Came Back! YUCK!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Oh my good-golly-gosh!
Marci there's that picture for you. LOL =p
At the moment if I can walk tomorrow it will be a miracle. Heck I never knew about that your BUTT could be so sore from working-out, but dance is getting more and more and more I dunno what the word is, but my mind is going in 50 different directions as it is there, but it is officially in over-drive! LOL I think there are 3 variations of the 3 dances we've learned! LOL Oy! And she changed it while we did each dance and its like the what?!!!!!! At least with the Cha-Cha Remix I GOT IT tonight! YAHOO! =)
So thats that! =o) Oh did I tell you that I am SO SICK of people I know that cut my phone call off after one ring or completely ignore any and all you say! UGH! Just pisses me off and I am sick of it!
Random Rant Of The Week!
Marci, I think Crystal is coming home with the scarf. ;) LOL Its been 80 here and she still has it on. ;)
Anyways, thats it. TTYL!
Friday, March 6, 2009
I hate the changing weather!!!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
You put your right foot in....take your what out?!
I get home and got them while I was alone, but I swear my head is about to explode from all this and that in movements! I never knew my body could move in that many ways and mentally do it all at the same time! LOL But its fun and enjoyable! =)
Monday, March 2, 2009
New Bed....
So I got home to see my bed all made up and ready. The room looks so different than it did before. :) Incase you are wondering, its Ty Pennington's Style at Sears. I love the colors. :) I will be excited to sleep in it tonight. Won't help my legs though....
A little bit of snow....
KoKo on the other hand is sitting at the doors waiting to get back out in the snow. He's having a great time out in the snow! I'm so glad they got the snow this time just so he got to see it and play out in it. =) I have been getting picture updates about that pup!