Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I can barely believe this, but that's KoKo today! Look how big he's gotten! Isn't he cute?! =o) Still a puppy, but he's getting so big! I haven't seen him in 2 months, and he's NOT the same tiny puppy. I'd say he's bigger than Sadie now.

Halloween has come and gone here. I woke up and watched scary movies all morning/afternoon...cause hell I can't do it at night! HAH!

So I am torturing myself with making KoKo a stocking for x-mas. The story here is that I can't see my aunt and uncle using BJ's stocking and my mom is the one that brought this up to me and I found one called "Santa Paws" that is really cute looking finished, but is proving to be a pain in my ass right now. I am making head-way after learning how to attach the sequin pieces a different and easier way!

I am finally going to have a picture of this too, but Deborah got my butterfly to Somerset and got it around Deora's angel for me. =o) I am so happy that happened and something from me is now up there. I asked her to take a picture for me, because who knows when I will get there and by the time I do, it won't be out anymore most likely, and the families don't get the stuff back, it goes into storage. So Thank You Debby for doing that for me! I deeply appreciate it!

Marci you need to ANSWER your phone or turn it on, but I am not coming that way anymore this weekend. Hopefully you will see this and find out! HAH!

Anyways thats it for now, I am going to go work on the stocking and watch some TV.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Good Day All!

That is my dog's favorite past-time...sleeping in the sun! Who can blame her, her stupid owner's (my parents) don't know how to turn the heat on until its deathly cold out!

I think my aunt is ready to go back to work. Ko-Ko is being a little Hellian, but he's so cute! He's a puppy, come on you have to let him get away with something sometimes! I love that dog! He's managed to lock my aunt in the closet, undo an entire thing of toilet paper, tried to get into the dryer, and the not so pretty thing was him biting my aunt yesterday, but I can't help but LAUGH at it! I miss Sadie being that age. She's 7 years old and KoKo is 4 months, there's a huge difference, but Sadie being a terrier, they are always full of energy! :o)

Speaking of Sadie, the medication she's on is helping her but it has made her more of a begger lately because of the steroid she's on. Ugh everytime I turn around she's at my feet looking for food! So tonight I gave her some extra chicken and green beans after my aunt told me that she's more hungry cause of the medicine. The poor doggie. :(

So I have finally been SORT OF able to go back to the Wii. Today I tried to bowl standing up and did better with that, but I am afraid I will pay for it tomorrow. =o( I woke up today with little or no pain at all in my back and hip, which was nice. I actually slept till about noon, and man I needed cause I have been up and down the last 10-11 days since this happened. =(

Anyways thats it! Happy Birthday Brittney! =o)

Friday, October 17, 2008

I dunno what to put here!

Hello Everyone!

First off to Marci- I am glad you are doing better and here's to you getting better and getting stronger, girl. I know you don't want to do this, but you need to and get yourself better. ;) And I want my bear back at some point in the near future! Just Kidding! ;)

I otta google search Wii Injuries because I have done something bowling! I guess I over-do-it and throw with so much power, I pulled something in my side/hip/back. IT KILLS! The nice part is right now, pain medicine is working to knock it out. But I've woke up the past 3 days with some sort of pain on my left side under my arm. As you know, playing the Wii you use your arm to do the motions and ugh I am taking a break indefinitely from it!

So we took Sadie to the vet this week about her poor paws. Its allergies, but we aren't sure what is causing it right now. She has scratched her ears to putting sores in them and also biting her feet to where she has sores on them. The poor dog. :( She's on predisone to help with that and than an antibiotic for I guess the sores and such, and we are suppose to bathe her twice a week for a month with medicated shampoo to see if this helps. If its not gone in a month, we have to take her back. My dad's friend that has a JRT told us that they a proan to getting allergies in their feet and its just like my gosh, this poor dog. She hasn't licked or pecked at her paws since getting on medication, minus last night going out in the weeds in the woods, but washing her feet took care of that.

So I talked to my aunt tonight about when she wants me to come and IF she wants me to come. Well now she told me that she doesn't need me to come at all! Its like WHAT THE HECK?! Whatever! So I was like fine, I won't come probably now. I might go over when my mom goes to England next month, but that's a wait and see there. Its like you didn't want me there when you had the damn surgery and the first days after, but now you don't need me! Make up your mind! UGH! Whatever! Well what can I say, I don't do well with hospitals and such. Last surgery she had when I was there, I wound up in the ER....that tell you something?! :p

Well thats it for the time being. =o) My grandma is here visiting (dad's mom) and its great! Love having my laundry done for me and she insists on cleaning everything, but that can get annoying sometimes, but I have learned to let her do whatever she wants.

TTYL! Good luck Marci with your move!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I don't think I can take much more....

There's Miss Sadie playing for a change. ;)

Speaking of Sadie, the poor dog's allergies are so bad right now that she's digging at her ears and biting at her back paws to the point where she has got sores on them and looks like she's bitten off some hair on her back toes. The vet said at her yearly check-up that it was allergies and to wash her paws whenever she comes in, yeah like that happened. But there has to be something they can give her to help. Its ridicolous!

So nothing major happened over the weekend. I went to a meet n greet thing with Kate and her family down at the community center on Sunday. Which was nice, I tasted 3 different kinds of deviled me they all tasted different! LOL Kate and I went out for ice cream last night to this place I had never been to before and it was good!!!! They have like different flavors, like you wouldn't get at any ordinary ice cream place. For the life of me, I can't remember what its called, but its by Chick-Fil-A in town! Hahaha Oh yeah and we stopped at Chick-Fil-A too, haven't had that in ages and it tasted so good. ;)

Ok I took my Flight 93 video off of you tube for the simple fact of the rude-ass e-mails I got over the weekend about it. It got me to the point where the last one I got today had me in tears about it and I don't get some people out there, really. Nothing anyone says is going to change my mind about what really happened to that flight or the other 3 flights and what not. But I can't take the e-mails and its disturbing to me and hell emotionally thats given me more hell than the last few weeks. (don't ask)

So now I am planning out my trip to Charlotte which will end out the year. Hoping to get KoKo house trained before my aunt goes back to work. I can't wait to see the little guy! hehehe He's so cute! :o)

I actually got out my x-mas cards that I made up and began working on them a bit. I can't get into the spirit at the moment, but oh well to that. I really hope we don't plan to go to Columbus for Christmas, UGH! Shoot me there! I'd rather go on vacation somewhere than do that. ;)

Anyways, I am off here. Bye!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hey Everyone!

Ok two x-mas presents many to go?! No clue, but I found those in Pinehurst. One is for KoKo and the other is for my parents of their three blessings. ;) hehehe

I am sitting here at 11:30 at night and typing this. Well I am texting my friend also, but doing this too.

Marci- if you read this, can you let me know PLEASE that you are ok still? I am about to call Julie and ask her!

So this week my poor aunt went to the surgeon to find out about her back. I feel so sorry for her, she's having surgery on Friday to remove the discs or move them off the nerves in her back. She'll be out of work another 6 weeks after surgery. So she doesn't want me there in the early stages, but I will probably go over after the first two weeks. Hah! She's a bear after surgery anyways! HAHA!

So today I had my lunch outting with Deora's mom, Debbie. (yeah yeah yeah to calling her that) Last week as I said we cancelled, and so it was this week or whenever. It was great though. Except my dad, who took me (HAH), backed up over the reflector on her driveway TWICE! I was like OMG! What a way to leave an impression on some one the first time you go to their house! So we headed to Pinehurst for lunch and the place we ate at was good. I had a salami and cheese sandwhich, it was really good. Then we spent some time shopping in Pinehurst, at all of the little shops there. Which is where I got the ornaments in the picture above. ;)

I sent her another thank you e-mail. =o) I have enjoyed each and every single one of these outtings with her and its been an emotional roller coaster at times for me, but I wouldn't trade it in for anything. =o) Yes I can say I didn't come home and break down in tears like I have the past 2 times. =o) So I am happy to report that much.

Well I finally heard from the living dead of my friend Annie, hahaha! Happy to say that too!

Off to bed, ttyl!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Is is really worth it?!

Ok there it is! My Wii is finally in my grasps! I love my dad and his spontaneousness because he was like I am bored and going to go see if I can get me a Wii. I was like oh yeah! :) My brother got my niece one for her birthday, so there are 2 between the 5 of us! ;)

The Wii has been fun except for the fact I paid for playing for hours on end with really bad back pain and my shoulder hurting. I was up last night sick from something and then my back wouldn't let me go back to sleep.

I am sitting in bed at 7:30 going OMG I have lunch plans and have to be ready and out the door by 12:15, and I was like I really don't feel up to it, but I didn't want to break the plans. But I was going to call at 8 and say can we re-schedule because of yeah I was up all night and not feeling that great today, but fell back to sleep. Well it didn't matter, the plans were cancelled anyways because she had another commitment, but it was ok with me. I didn't wake-up until after 11:00 and so I wouldn't have done it still.

So this afternoon my friend Marci called me and broke some shocking news to me. I couldn't believe what she told me and it was very shocking, but I am glad she's going to get the help she needs and be closer to her family. :) xoxoxoxo Marci xoxoxoxoxo

So tonight my parents and I went out to dinner and then my mom and I ran into wal-mart to price some of the stuff for Wii. They didn't have a huge selection of stuff. Like who really does in this tiny town! HAH! I was like next time we go to Greensboro, we otta look at their Best Buy and places like that. They have a larger selection and such.

The plus about the Wii is that I am getting good at the bowling game on there. My highest is 235 which I scored today, I got like 4 strikes in a row and like 6 or 7 over-all. :o) I was proud of myself. Tonight I scored a 202 against my mom. HAH! My dad enjoys the golf, and on the beginner level I got 2 birdies! hehehe :) But yeah, on the Wii play I only like the shooting game so far.

Well thats it. :) Marci I hope you start feeling better, girl.

TTYL! Have a good weekend!