Rest in Peace BJ! I know your final days were some of the best. I will never forget you, baby bro! See you some day at the other side of Rainbow Bridge!
Gaia and Rio! Look at them go!
The day began with Gaia coming down at 7:45-8:00 this morning and woke me up. No one in this house cares about me getting sleep it seems. No one really cares about anything I would like at the moment.
So after we were all dressed and such, Gaia had a horseback riding adventure and got to spend a good 30 minutes riding Rio the horse. She had a great time! The horse turns out to be the one my mom likes whenever we drive pass the stables that they have them at. It was great being there. I haven't been on a horse since I was 12, and ugh just don't even ask me about my experience. ;) Thats a whole nother story. ;)
Then after that we went up to Greensboro and went shopping and picked Elise up at the airport. We went to Target and I got a new memory card for my camera. (which should be here anyday) And Gaia got a new pair of flip-flops to wear. Then it was off to the airport to pick Elise up and we had heard horror stories of people who were stranded there because of their flight being cancelled on the airline she was flying in on. She took off an hour or so late. It was a long wait in the airport. Luckily in Greensboro you can park and walk-in to wait for the person to arrive. We saw Elise's plane pull up to the gate and saw her get off. It was funny, she was a plane that had flying pigs on it. ;) HAH!
So we stopped and ate at Bojangles on the way home and made chocolate chip cookies before Gaia went to bed. It was rough thinking about what was to come with my aunt's dog, it doesn't matter if its tomorrow or Saturday when they decide to put him to sleep, it will still be around my birthday and for all I care it should've been on my birthday. Would've made no difference to me. :o(
So far the day has been quiet for the most part. I thought for sure we were going to Pineville to meet up for lunch and shopping on Friday, which has turned out to be a load of crap apparently. My aunt said my mom came up with the idea, and it turns out to be a load of crap. Whatever, I hate it when people sit there and lie to me. Unless she's going to try and pull a surprise thing like she did last year. Whatever we shall see!
Gaia and I were going to the park down by the pool on the golf cart, but some one didn't charge the battery and we didn't even make it all the way. Then my wonderful father blew up the battery, but not my problem. Gaia spent a good hour playing on the playground and she's a little monkey as you can see in the picture above. It all ended on a sour note because she started back mouthing me and I didn't want to yell at her, and so I told my my mom to come get us and then she fell and got a splinter and all hell broke loose, as the saying goes.
Tonight, I never imagined my parents would give into my brother's ex, but they went ahead and got her a new bike as requested by her mom. But whatever, I am done putting my two-cents in. The kid is still on training wheels, and my brother said he's going to get her off by the time they go home. I am venting, yes I know. But we got home and she was getting the hang of it. :o) I told her Papa will get her on two wheels before she knows it. She wanted her hair all curled tonight and she has the kind of hair that curls greatly. She wants hair like her aunt, ;). She use to have curly hair.
My birthday is Friday, but its more about what my brother wants to do. I want to go shopping or something. I am tired of everyone saying what I am going to do for a certain day. I love that his roommate/girlfriend is coming down, but my gosh, don't include me into everything you want me to do. I don't want to go to a Pub with them thats in Pinehurst, sorry not my idea of fun. Whatever, my birthday is probably ruined....just whatever.
With that I end day 2, what will tomorrow bring?
So then this morning, she woke me up about 8:30, and I don't think I really fell asleep until 2-2:30 last night and its like do people in this house not know how to control her while people are sleeping? I love her and all, but I was up half the night last night. Then I told my mom that she didn't go to bed until 1:30 and she's like well she's been in trouble all morning and been cranky. Yeah, like that's my fault. Then my dad, brother and Gaia came back from breakfast and I told my brother I am not dealing with her every night, she doesn't listen to me when I say its bedtime. He blew me off. Then my dad goes "You are just now waking up?" He shouldn't be talking, because I was up with his granddaughter! I was like I was up till 1:30 or later last night with Gaia while you were sleeping! He then goes where were you at 7:0o this morning, well lets see here, CATCHING UP ON SLEEP! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
This afternoon Gaia has had meltdowns of sorts cause she's on 5 1/2 hours of sleep. But she's getting a kick out of hearing stories about stuff I did as a kid. Oh I got a new digital camera! Its a Kodak Easyshare V1003, 10 megapixels, I can't wait to get it. :o) Its a $250 camera and got it for $90 with shipping! I paid for half of it, I wasn't going to get it, but my mom goes I will pay half of it and I was like ok. Now I can't wait to get it. :o) The memory cards have come down in price and I am going to look at them closely over the coming days. Plus a new case probably, we shall see. I am excited now, I have been talking about getting a new one, but talk myself out of it. ;)
While we are waiting for mom to get off work, Gaia wanted to check out the new mermaid show on Nick, called H2O. I personally like the show and she wanted to watch it. She loves this kind of stuff. So as we wait for Nana to get off work, after that it appears we are going to wal-mart and dinner. :o) Yipee what fun that will be. ;)
Well the final update here for the night is, that Gaia is in bed and its 9:00! She got into a boat load of trouble with her mouth, but who knows what is going on there. Mom and I went to wal-mart and got what was needed without her. I wanted to so badly go back and get her, but I knew deep down it would be under minding Jeremy and that wasn't a good idea. So we got home, and she had told my mom that she apologized to my brother and that was a lie. So that got her into trouble there. But she needs to be in bed. She got up at 7:30, and plus it gives me my own time alone. ;)
Debbie called and said we were going to probably meet in Pineville for my birthday on Friday. My brother's roomie is coming down also on Thursday, which will be great. I really like her. ;) So with this, I end this post. I am going to download my pictures and load them onto the montage that's being made of the week.